Showing posts with label Muhammad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muhammad. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2016

Bill Clinton Eulogizes Muhammad Ali: VIDEO

Thousands and thousands of people touched down in Louisville, Kentucky on Friday to help say goodbye to the most influential athlete of all-time.

They helped say goodbye to Muhammad Ali.

The iconic boxer and humanitarian passed away at the age of 74 early last Saturday morning.

At a memorial service that included a 19-mile long tour of Ali"s hometown, celebrities such as Mike Tyson and Will Smith served as pallbearers for the legend.

Later on, good friends such as Billy Crystal, Bryant Gumbel and President Bill Clinton eulogized the late superstar.

The former President of the United States closed the ceremony with a moving speech.

"I can just hear Muhammad saying now, "Well I thought I should be eulogized by at least one president and by making you the last of a long long long long line I guaranteed you a standing ovation," " Clinton opened with a laugh. 

Clinton went on to thank Ali"s wife of nearly 30 years, Lonnie, for "making the second half of his life greater than the first."

From there, he looked way back on the early stages of Ali"s life.

"I think he decided before he could have possibly worked it all out and before fate and time could work their will on him, he decided he would never be disempowered, he decided not his grace nor his place nor the expectations of others would strip from him the power to write his own story…

"He figured out from a very young age who he was and what he believed and how he could live through the consequences of acting in line with his beliefs. Not many people make it to that last step."

Toward the end of his eulogy, Clinton referenced the most memorable times that Ali touched him, fighting off tears and saying:

"[His disease] made his life bigger, not smaller, he may not have been able to run across the ring anymore, he may not have been able to dodge and exhaust everybody, but he was bigger than ever because he was a free man of faith.

"And we should honor him by bringing our gifts to the world as he did."

Watch the full eulogy here:

Bill clinton eulogizes muhammad ali

Muhammad Ali Laid to Rest: See the Funeral Photos

Muhammad Ali has been laid to rest in Louisville.

Days after the beloved ex-boxer died at the age of 74, thousands of fans and many celebrities gathered in Ali"s home town to say goodbye.

Here"s a rundown of notable names, events and photos from the sad proceedings:

1. A Famous Pallbearer

A famous pallbearer

Will Smith and former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson were among the pallbearers who loaded Ali’s casket into a hearse and took part in a 17-car processional that took the legendary boxer on a final journey around his hometown.

2. A Huge Gathering

A huge gathering

All across the route, mourners chanted, “Ali! Ali!” and helicopters buzzed overhead. An endless array of fans stood on the streets, many of them carrying signs and posters.

3. Signs of the Times

Signs of the times

Ali was buried at Cave Hill cemetery. Many people laid flower petals on the ground there, as the processional’s 19-mile route stopped at landmarks in the three-time heavyweight boxing champion’s life.

4. Those in Attendance Included:

Those in attendance included

Billy Crystal, Bill Clinton, Bryant Gumbel, Lennox Lewis and many other big names. President Obama sent along a message, but was in attendance at his daughter’s high school graduation.

5. A Community in Mourning

A community in mourning

The service took place at the KFC Center in Louisville and was open to the public; it was also live streamed and a private viewing will be held for family members.

6. A Message from His Daughter

A message from his daughter

“I personally have been sad for a long time,” Laila Ali said on Today this week. “My father has been struggling with Parkinson’s disease for many years and it wasn’t easy to watch him suffer, so knowing that he’s not suffering anymore is what gives me comfort.”

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Saturday, June 4, 2016

Hana Ali Reveals Heartbreaking Final Moments of Father Muhammad Ali"s Death

Yesterday, the world lost a legendary athlete. “The Greatest,” in fact.

Muhammad Ali died after a 32-year battle with Parkinson’s Disease.

As the world mourns this devastating loss, his daughter Hana Ali has shared the details of his death in a social media post.

In the photo above of her with her dad, she calls him a “humble mountain” and asks fans to “pray for the peace of his beautiful soul and for the happiness of his further journey.”

In a second post, she reveals that at the time of his passing, the boxer was surrounded by loved ones expressing their love and support.

“Our hearts are literally hurting. But we are so happy daddy is free now.

“We all tried to stay strong and whispered in his ear, ‘You can go now. We will be okay. We love love. Thank you. You can go back to God now.’

All of us were around him hugging and kissing him and holding his hands, chanting the Islamic prayer.”

Then, Hana recounts, something truly remarkable happened.

“All of his organs failed but his HEART wouldn’t stop beating.

“For 30 minutes… his heart just kept beating.

“No one had ever seen anything like it. A true testament to the strength of his spirit and will!

“Thank you all for your love and support!”

Incredible. Even in his dying moments, Muhammad Ali floats like a butterfly, and in our hearts, it stings like a bee.

RIP Muhammad Ali.

Muhammad Ali: Mourned, Remembered by Stars Everywhere

The most influential athlete of all-time has passed away.

On June 3, 2016, Muhammad Ali died at the age of 74.

A humanitarian and a boxing Hall of Famer, Ali was known and beloved for his outspoken opinions, unique vocabulary… and enormous heart.

Here is a look at how a large swath of celebrities reacted to his passing:

1. Gabrielle Union

Gabrielle union pic

Rest in Peace and Eternal Glory #muhammadali Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

2. Peter Facinelli

Peter facinelli image

The Greatest of All Time.Rip #MuhammedAli.

3. Matt Lauer

What matt lauer worry

The Greatest is gone. @MuhammadAli changed the world as a fighter, humanitarian, teacher and force for peace and understanding. A champion.

4. Nick Lachey

Nick lachey visits fox and friends

Not many people can claim the title of legend. #Ali was one!! Blessings to he and his family. His legacy will live forever. #champ.

5. Donald Trump

Trumped up

Muhammad Ali is dead at 74! A truly great champion and a wonderful guy. He will be missed by all!

6. Josh Gad

Josh gad

In a year where many greats have passed, the greatest of all has just left us. Goodbye champ. Fly like a butterfly.

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Muhammad Ali Dies; Legendary Boxer Was 74

The Greatest.  The People’s Champion.

Those were just two nicknames that will forever describe the late boxing legend, Muhammad Ali, who passed away on June 3rd at the age of 74.

“After a 32-year battle with Parkinson’s disease, Muhammad Ali has passed away at the age of 74. The three-time World Heavyweight Champion boxer died this evening,” spokesman Bob Gunnell said in a statement to CNN.

“The Ali family would like to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and support and asks for privacy at this time.”

Ali, who’s real name is Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., was born in Louisville, Kentucky in 1942.

He was famous for heckling his opponents, and came up with the quote, “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” in 1964 when he beat Sonny Liston to become the heavyweight champion of the world.

The boxer changed his name from Clay to Ali that same year after converting to Islam.

Earlier today, sources told Radar Online that Ali’s family was “preparing for the worst” inside an Arizona hospital, where the athlete – who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1984 – was being treated.

“Ali is in dire straits and is rapidly deteriorating,” a source told the site. “His breathing has become very shallow, requiring tubes.”

“Shallow breathing does not bring enough oxygen into your body,” the source explained.

“This exacerbates a number of unfavorable things, including, in his advanced case, fatigue and constipation. The latter is a large intestine issue that negatively impacts the lungs & the skin.

“Ali no longer feels the touch on the surface of his skin, mosquito bites, or cuts, etc. due to his age. And this is a degenerative situation that can’t be reversed.”

Ali was admitted to the hospital on June 2nd in “fair condition,” according to People, and was expected to only stay for a brief time.

His daughter, boxer Laila Ali told the magazine in March how much her father’s determination inspires her.

“He’s such a fighter, still, when at times he seems weak and not able to handle it,” she said.

“He comes through stronger than ever. He’s still fighting regardless and I love my dad for that.” 

Ali is survived by his nine children and his fourth wife, actress Yolonda Williams.

Muhammad Ali Dies; Legendary Boxer Was 74

The Greatest.  The People’s Champion.

Those were just two nicknames that will forever describe the late boxing legend, Muhammad Ali, who passed away on June 3rd at the age of 74.

“After a 32-year battle with Parkinson’s disease, Muhammad Ali has passed away at the age of 74. The three-time World Heavyweight Champion boxer died this evening,” spokesman Bob Gunnell said in a statement to CNN.

“The Ali family would like to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and support and asks for privacy at this time.”

Ali, who’s real name is Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., was born in Louisville, Kentucky in 1942.

He was famous for heckling his opponents, and came up with the quote, “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” in 1964 when he beat Sonny Liston to become the heavyweight champion of the world.

The boxer changed his name from Clay to Ali that same year after converting to Islam.

Earlier today, sources told Radar Online that Ali’s family was “preparing for the worst” inside an Arizona hospital, where the athlete – who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1984 – was being treated.

“Ali is in dire straits and is rapidly deteriorating,” a source told the site. “His breathing has become very shallow, requiring tubes.”

“Shallow breathing does not bring enough oxygen into your body,” the source explained.

“This exacerbates a number of unfavorable things, including, in his advanced case, fatigue and constipation. The latter is a large intestine issue that negatively impacts the lungs & the skin.

“Ali no longer feels the touch on the surface of his skin, mosquito bites, or cuts, etc. due to his age. And this is a degenerative situation that can’t be reversed.”

Ali was admitted to the hospital on June 2nd in “fair condition,” according to People, and was expected to only stay for a brief time.

His daughter, boxer Laila Ali told the magazine in March how much her father’s determination inspires her.

“He’s such a fighter, still, when at times he seems weak and not able to handle it,” she said.

“He comes through stronger than ever. He’s still fighting regardless and I love my dad for that.” 

Ali is survived by his nine children and his fourth wife, actress Yolonda Williams.