Showing posts with label NewlyReleased. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NewlyReleased. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Kim Kardashian Smokes Weed Out of Ray J"s Penis-Shaped Pipe in Newly-Released Video!

Just hearing the phrase “Kim Kardashian and Ray J” is probably enough to conjure memories of the most celebrity famous sex tape in the history of the Internet.

The Kim and Ray J sex tape was like basically Star Wars and The Godfather rolled into one.

It raised the bar in terms of both popularity and artistry, so it should come as no surprise that, as with those films, there have been multiple attempts at a sequel.

In the past, claims of a new Kim Kardashian sex tape footage have been mostly bogus PR stunts.

Like, Vivid would release a never-before-seen minute to celebrate the tape’s tenth anniversary, but it would consist of Kim cobing her hair or some crap.

Maybe that’s your thing, but it doesn’t do it for most people.

Anyway, new footage published by Radar Online actually does contain something interesting.

In fact, it shows us a side of Kim we’ve never seen before!

In the past Kim has claimed that she never did drugs, and her drinking is limited to “four shots of vodka in Vegas once a year.”

(Ed. note: Vodka shots? Kim, are you aware you’re 36, and could afford, like, the best wine on the planet? Just sayin’.)

In recent weeks, however, we’ve learned that Kim has been known to puff on the devil’s lettuce from time to time.

She was reportedly spotted hitting a joint during her family’s recent vacation in Costa Rica.

And now, we know that she occasionally dabbled with the jazz cabbage during her time with Ray J.

Radar Online has obtained footage from 2004 that shows a 23-year-old Kim smoking weed from a pair of interesting glass pipes.

One was shaped like a penis, the other, like a spread-eagled naked woman.

They may not get along these days, but we think it’s safe to say Kim and Ray J had some fun during their time together.

Kim probably secretly longs for those days from time to time when Kanye is picking out her clothes or lecturing on the importance of only using Givenchy cloth diapers.
