Showing posts with label NonPeachy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NonPeachy. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Arrow Season 4 Episode 3 Recap: A Non-Peachy Pit

Laurel stopped by Nanda Parbat on Arrow Season 4 Episode 3, asking something very special and specific of Malcolm.

Back home, meanwhile, our favorite team of crime-fighters dealt with a new metahuman threat.

We’ll start in Nanda Parba, where Laurel and Thea walk in while Malcolm is sparring with Nyssa and announce that have Sara’s dead body with them

But neither Malcolm not Nyssa is down with using the Lazarus Pit on her, afraid of what/who might emerge if they took this extreme step.

Malcolm, for example, can tell that Thea has “bloodlust” coursing through veins as a result of her own experience and suggests she go on the occasional killing spree to satisfy this “impulse.”

Whatever, Thea replied, asking if Malcolm has any “normal” parental advice to offer; so he talks of/lies about a “sage” who lives in the mountains and may be able to be of assistance.

Later on, Thea does end up murdering an offering from her dad when a group of League assassins end up in her room.

After she shows no appreciation for the gesture, Malcolm agrees to lower Sara into the Pit. When she rises to the surface, Sara growls and gets chained to the wall.

In response, Nyssa destroys the Pit. When she kills Malcolm someday, she wants that death to stick.

Back home, tensions remains between Oliver and Diggle, as they pursue different agenda at first:

Diggle goes after Mina Fayad, the woman A.R.G.U.S. identified as ordering the hit on Andrew; while Oliver chases a hold-up.

Neither fares very well, most notably Oliver, who falls for a trap set by Double Down, a metahuman from Central City tasked by Damien Darhk with killing the Green Arrow.

After Felicity forces these two to talk it out, they get into issues of trust and argue over how Oliver can ever win back Diggle’s.

In the end, after Oliver mentions Fayad having a connection to Darhk, Diggle lets his friend in on the secret about his brother’s murder that he’s been keeping for two years.

After a pep talk from Darhk (and after a mention by Fayad of “Phase III”), Double Down ends up attacking Felicity and Curtis Holt. In order to save the latter, Felicity whisks Holt down an elevator that leads to the Arrowcave.

Surprise: she works for Green Arrow!

Another surprise: She’s very good with an automatic weapon and scares Double Down away.

After Diggle laments losing his only lead because Fayad ends up dead, Oliver tells him that they should work together. They promptly capture Double Down as a duo and lock him up in The Flash’s Pipeline.

To close this installment and to get us crazy excited for Arrow Season 4 Episode 4, the original Team Arrow members go out for drinks, where Oliver says he’s working in a “surprise” new lair.

Later at Palmer Tech, Felicity’s cell phone acts strangely again, a tiny message on it reading “f e l i c i t y”….

What the heck?!? Go watch Arrow online to try and make sense of this development now!