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Showing posts with label None. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: My Vagina is None of Your Business!

Khloe Kardashian has learned a few things about motherhood since welcoming daughter True Thompson into the world.

And she"s here to share that knowledges with her adoring fans!

The reality star, who gave birth to her first child in April 2018, took has taken to her app to rundown a list of statements and questions that make new moms such as herself cringe.

She"s trying to do the public a service here.

She really wants to make sure you understand that these utterances should be off-limits when speaking to a woman who recently gave birth.

So get out a pad and paper and prepare to take some notes, okay?

Here we go…

1. Let’s Begin…

Khloe kardashian on the instagram

Okay, the first thing to never ask a new mother is this: “Did you deliver naturally?” Must Khloe explain why this question is such a no-no? Yes? Okay, her answer is below.

2. Because It’s MY Va-Jay-Jay!

Khloe kardashian at 8 months

“My vagina – its past, its present, its future – is none of your business! Period,” writes Khloe, making a good point. Why would you ask a woman to detail the most painful and personal experience of her life?

3. What About Nursing? Can I Ask How Nursing is Going?

Khloe kardashian on insta

NO! “This is just such a personal issue. You never know the private struggles someone could be going through and how terrible it may be making them feel,” Khloe says.

4. Look, Khloe Understands… But Still

True and khloe

“I totally get it that sometimes it’s hard to know what to say to a new mom! I have my awkward moments, too,” Khloe admits in this post. “There are a few things that are pretty much the worst things to hear after you’ve given birth, though. Like, please shut the f-ck up if you even TRY to brag about your good night’s sleep.”

5. Okay…. So What Else?

Khloe on snapchat

Khloe also discourages others from making observations, like “You look tired,” “Your baby cries a lot,” and “I never see you anymore.” Do people think women want to hear statements such as this? What is the sentiment behind them?

6. Let Khloe Explain Further:

True thompson picture

“A new mom is likely already sad about this, so this statement will most definitely cause tears – or anger,” Khloe says of wondering out loud why she has seemingly become so anti-social. “Not a good idea.”

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Friday, February 10, 2017

Charles Oakley Admits Drinking Before Altercation ... "But None in the Garden" (VIDEO)

Charles Oakley says he DID drink alcohol before things exploded at Madison Square Garden Wednesday night … but insists he was not drinking INSIDE the arena.  The Knicks legend sat down with FOX 5 in NYC and told the reporter before the…


Monday, January 9, 2017

T.I. Shuts Down Big D Question, Tiny"s None of Your Biz (VIDEO)

T.I. is keeping people guessing when it comes to his possible divorce from his wife of 6 years, Tiny. Tip was on Atlanta’s Streetz 94.5 Monday morning, and hosts Yung Joc and Mo Quick pressed him on the subject, which he’s never talked about…


T.I. Shuts Down Big D Question, Tiny"s None of Your Biz (VIDEO)

T.I. is keeping people guessing when it comes to his possible divorce from his wife of 6 years, Tiny. Tip was on Atlanta’s Streetz 94.5 Monday morning, and hosts Yung Joc and Mo Quick pressed him on the subject, which he’s never talked about…


Monday, November 7, 2016

The Game -- Wins Battle with Accuser ... My Money"s None of Your Business

The Game’s sexual assault accuser won’t get access to his financial records … now that a judge has shut down her request. Priscilla Rainey had requested Game’s books so she could determine his net worth ahead of the trial, but the judge…
