Showing posts with label Pesky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pesky. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Tori Roloff Finally Addresses Those Pesky Pregnancy Rumors

Tori Roloff has already celebrated three birthdays this month:

Her own. Her husband’s. And her son’s.

However, Little People, Big World fans around the Internet have been wondering for weeks now whether a different sort of birthday is about to arrive in the near future.

A literal day of birth, we mean.

As in: They want to know if Tori is pregnant again!

For reasons that sometimes seemed understandable and other times seemed like a major stretch, social media users have interpreted various Roloff photos of late to mean she’s expecting.

In late April, for example, Tori lay on a blanket alongside son Jackson Kyle and placed her hands on her belly and… that was it.

Pregnancy speculation ran wild as a result of this photo.

Prior to that picture-uploading, Tori asked fellow mothers about the pain she experienced while breastfeeding.

And because this can be a sign that one has a child in one’s womb, folks once again jumped to that hopeful conclusion.

And then there was the most outlandish basis of all for thinking Tori was pregnant for a second time, one we documented in the photo gallery below:

Still, it is true that Tori has made clear she wants to have more kids.

She cannot stop gushing over little Jackson; or over the amazing way in which husband Zach is a father.

Yes, Jackson only just turned a year old, meaning she would have gotten pregnant VERY soon after giving birth if she were already knocked up.

But crazier things have happened, right? Perhaps she wants her kids to be very close in age?

Perhaps she does… but not this close in age, Tori has finally made clear.

She just jumped on Instagram and acknowledged the chatter circulating about her belly.

Based on this photo alone, some people think Tori Roloff is pregnant.

In an Instagram Story clip of her son crawling across her lap, Tori takes note of her stomach, realizes some followers may think it’s large for a very specific reason and says the following:

No I am not pregnant. That is just my burrito from yesterday. Kthanksbye.

Ah, well… okay then! That settles that debate!

As mentioned above, we’d be very surprised if Zach and Tori do not expand their family at some point.

But they are 27 years old and have an infant at home. What’s the rush?

Until she does have a second pregnancy announcement to make, Roloff is as content as possible to fawn over her son.

And we can’t blame her: Jackson is SO very adorable!

“I love you so much bud,” Tori wrote as part of a tribute to her son on his first birthday, adding:

“This year has gone by way too fast. You bring me such happiness and you have spoiled me as your mom.”

Check out precious photos of Jackson below, but be warned:

We sort of adore this child and may have gotten carried away! There are LOTS of photos!


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

R. Kelly Issues Statement on That Pesky Cult-Running Rumor

R. Kelly would like to address talk that he’s keeping women hostage in two major American cities as part of an attempt to run some sort of evil cult.

Early Monday morning, a disturbing Buzzfeed report claimed the controversial artist was holding six victims against their will in properties he owns in Chicago and Atlanta.

The explosive article was based on testimony from three of these women’s parents, along with three of R. Kelly’s ex-associates.

In various quotes, the sources allege that R. Kelly “controls every aspect of [the women’s] lives” and that he has sole discretion over “what they eat, how they dress, when they bathe, when they sleep, and how they engage in sexual encounters that he records.”

The piece further asserts that Kelly “abuses them physically and verbally.”

Kelly has reportedly been holding at least one of the women hostage since 2015.

Last year, multiple outlets reported that Kelly was dating a 19-year old, with many of these same outlets now wondering whether she’s a member of this disgusting harem.

In response to this Buzzfeed article – which says that the young ladies were brought to Kelly by their parents in an attempt to further their music careers, only for the star to “brainwash” them into subservience – a lawyer for Kelly has issued a statement.

It reads as follows:

Mr. Robert Kelly is both alarmed and disturbed at the recent revelations attributed to him.

Mr. Kelly unequivocally denies such allegations and will work diligently and forcibly to pursue his accusers and clear his name.

Police had previously looked into these allegations, coming across one woman living in a home owned by Kelly at one point who said she was “fine and did not want to be bothered.”

The charges seem so extreme and even outlandish that they’d typically be dismissed out of hand…

… but Kelly has been accused of sexual misconduct on many occasions over the years.

Most infamously, he was somehow found not guilty after videos surfaced of him urinating in bed on an underage girl.

“I really want to know what is the clinical term for whatever Psychological condition R Kelly has,” Charlamagne Tha God Tweeted on Monday in response to this report.

Many other Twitters users appear to believe at least some aspect of this rumor due to Kelly’s incredibly shady past.

“We can only wonder why folks would persist in defaming a great artist who loves his fans, works 24/7, and takes care of all of the people in his life,” the singer’s attorney had said previously, adding yesterday:

“He works hard to become the best person and artist he can be.

“It is interesting that stories and tales debunked many years ago turn up when his goal is to stop the violence; put down the guns; and embrace peace and love.

“I suppose that is the price of fame. Like all of us, Mr. Kelly deserves a personal life. Please respect that.”

As some folks noted, this original story didn’t technically deny the talk that Kelly has a bunch of women under his control.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Beyonce to Pesky Assistant: STOP IT!

Beyonce has a super hot body. This is simply a fact.

And that super hot body doesn"t need a whole lot done to it in order to be super hot, as Beyonce proved on Tuesday night when she walked the red carpet in Brooklyn at the Barclays Center.

In footage making its way around the Internet, Beyonce (and her INSANE CLEAVAGE) is being called on by a number of photographers who want her attention, one of whom even refers to her as “Queen.”

In the clip, Beyonce’s assistant is just doing her job, making sure the singer is looking as perfect as can be, when Beyonce shoos her away.

She remains smiling and she"s still posing when she tells the stylist to simply "stop it."

At this instruction, the unnamed employee scurries off to the side and stands patiently while Beyonce has many pictures snapped of her.

It"s really not a huge deal and it"s probably something that happens often on the red carpet. But it"s just another example of how Beyonce reigns supreme over all other beings.

Beyonce shoos away pesky assistant