Showing posts with label Portman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portman. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2018

Natalie Portman Having a Blast with Her Kids at Disneyland

Natalie Portman knows how to make an entrance at Disneyland — Cute kiddo in tow? Check. Stormtrooper as your muscle? No doubt! Natalie and her family hit up The Happiest Place on Earth on Sunday where they got the royal treatment. The entire…


Sunday, June 10, 2018

Natalie Portman -- Good Genes or Good Docs?

Natalie Portman’s always ready for the big screen! Here’s a 15-year-old version of the Academy Award-winning actress for the film “Black Swan” at a movie premiere back in 1996 (left) and 22 years later … the Harvard graduate — who…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Natalie Portman Heroically Announces "All-Male" Nominees at the Golden Globes

Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear elegant black dresses.

Last night at the Golden Globes, Oprah delivered the incredible speech that everyone’s talking about. But she wasn’t the only one to catch everyone’s attention.

Natalie Portman, with just a few words, called out hypocrisy and showed that she was not even remotely f–king around. See the epic moment below!

The big chatter leading up to Sunday night’s Golden Globes award show, everyone was talking about the black dresses.

Would every woman be wearing a black dress? Was it a visual sign of solidarity or an empty gesture?

(Hint: since these women are doing a lot more than have a matching color scheme, it’s really not an empty gesture)

People also talked about men wearing black in support … but since men are generally dressed in mostly black for these events anyway, would that be significant in any way?

But once people started showing up on the red carpet, talk swiftly turned away from the omnipresent (and gorgeous) black dresses.

Debra Messing (who remains beloved, even though the Will & Grace revival is kind of a mess) called out E! for allegedly not paying Catt Sadler fairly.

The gender pay gap is serious business, folks, and it exists in so many businesses. Sadler quit E! after more than a decade, upon learning that her male costar was allegedly earning twice her salary.

Messing said this on E!‘s red carpet, while being interviewed by Giuliana Rancic.

Eva Longoria, looking pregnant and gorgeous, also called out E! for their alleged pay gap.

The highlight of this Golden Globes night of zero chill was definitely Oprah’s inspiring, powerful speech.

But Oprah wasn’t the only star speaking out or making headlines and waves from that stage.

Natalie Portman and Ron Howard came up on stage for what seemed like it would be a regular, run-of-the-mill presentation of the Best Director category and the announcement of the winner.

But, as you can see here, Natalie Portman announced the nominees by highlighting the fact that every single nominee was male:

“And here are the all-male nominees.”

Honestly? What a great reminder that Natalie Portman was the best possible choice to play Padme Amidala. Sometimes the character and actor match up.

Anyway, this moment did not go unnoticed.

Shonda Rhimes tweeted: “‘And here are the all male nominees.’ Natalie Portman calls it for what it is.”

Sarah Silverman tweeted: “Oh s–t Portman for the win! ‘And here are the all male nominees’ wheeeeWhoooo!!”

We don’t want to give the impression that the Golden Globes were business as usual. They were not.

Oprah was the first black woman in her category.

Sterling K. Brown made history with his award.

Aziz Ansari made history with his award.

But these are long overdue milestones. These are entire demographics of supremely talented actors who have been shut out for years and are only now receiving the recognition that they deserve.

Kind of like plenty of female directors who, many believe, deserved more recognition for their groundbreaking work in 2017.


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Natalie Portman Buys Modern Santa Barbara Oasis for $6.5 Million (PHOTO GALLERY)

Natalie Portman bought herself a pad in the hills of Santa Barbara where, on a clear day, ya just might see Heaven. The ‘Star Wars’ star plunked down $ 6.5 million for a STUNNING 4 bedroom, 5 bathroom home with sweeping ocean views. The seller…


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Natalie Portman Will Miss The Oscars

There’s clearly something in the air in Hollywood — first Beyonce cancelled her Coachella gig, and now Natalie Portman’s skipping out on The Oscars — and it’s all because she’s about to pop.  Portman, who’s nominated for best actress for her…


Monday, August 22, 2016

Darren Aranovsky: Black Swan Director Tried To Pit Natalie Portman Against Mila Kunis

It may have won her a Best Actress Oscar, but filming Black Swan may have been the biggest challenge of Natalie Portman’s life.

Not only did she have to lose twenty pounds, train in ballet and work 16-hour days, but she had to listen to director Darren Aranofsky try and get her to compete with co-star Mila Kunis in order to make the jealousy between their characters seem authentic.

Over the weekend, Vogue did a 5 Things You Didn’t Know feature on Portman, who makes her directorial debut in A Tale of Love And Darkness.

“He’d say, ‘Oh, Mila is doing really well on her stuff. She’s so much better than you,’” Portman, who first talked about this in November 2010, revealed.

“Darren would tell us things about each other to try to make us jealous. I think he was trying to create a rivalry in real life between us.”

Portman knew the role required method acting, but she wasn’t about to be pitted against someone she liked.  She and Kunis were friends prior to filming, and that did not change once Swan wrapped.

“Mila and I had had ‘sweatpants nights’ watching Top Chef,” Portman recalled before production started, “and suddenly we were on set together in tutus, emaciated and tired.”

While Aranofsky doesn’t think he was pitting the old friends against one another, there was a method to his madness.

“I knew it might be really hard to keep them apart because they’re friends, but I just didn’t want them to know each other’s motives,” the director explained.

“I didn’t want them to compare notes. I wanted them to come from different places.”

Still, it was Portman’s idea to cast Kunis.

“It was really crazy, because Mila and I were very good friends,” Portman told MTV News at the time.

“And when Darren asked me, ‘Who do you think could do this part? Who has sort of a similar height, coloring, physique?’

“‘I was like, ‘Oh, Mila, Mila, Mila!’ He met her and obviously flipped over her, and she’s super talented and does an amazing job in the movie.”

Monday, July 11, 2016

Natalie Portman & Benjamin Millepied: Headed For Divorce?!

Once upon a time, Natalie Portman was one of the most revered and sought-after actresses in Hollywood.

Then Benjamin Millepied entered her life.

We’re not saying Portman and Millepied’s marriage is to blame for Natalie’s declining career.

She made no secret about the fact that she planned to take some time off after becoming a mother, and that’s exactly what she did.

January’s little-seen and critically reviled “Jane Got a Gun” marked Portman’s less-than-auspicious return to the big screen, but with her prodigious talent and all the goodwill she’s accrued over the years, we’re sure she’ll have no trouble winning her way back into the hearts of audiences if she so desires.

And if the latest rumors about her marriage are true, Natalie may soon find herself consumed with the desire to lose herself in a character.

Sources tell Star magazine that the actress, who’s been living in Europe and maintaining a low profile the last few years, was recently spotted at London hotspot the Chiltern Firehouse.

Several fellow revelers claim Portman made no effort to hide her naked ring finger:

“She was trying to have a good time, but it seemed like her mind was somewhere else,” says an eyewitness. “She kept rubbing her empty ring finger. She looked really sad.”

One insider claims Portman’s marriage troubles are primarily the result of Millepied’s restlessness with regard to his career.

In 2014, the couple, along with their son, Aleph, relocated to France so that Benjamin could take a job as director of the Paris Opera Ballet.

He left the position after just 15 months in order to re-join his traveling dance troupe, the LA Project.

“It’s been stressful,” says a source. “Their lives have been completely uprooted, and their relationship has taken a hit because of it.”

Neither party has responded to the rumors, but recent photos of Portman confirm that she hasn’t been wearing her ring.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Natalie Portman Doppelganger: This 13-Year-Old Boy Looks EXACTLY Like Her!

Holy lookalike! We’ve seen crazy celebrity doppelgangers before, but this one might just take the cake.

Reddit user Usertwothree recently posted this side-by-side pic of his childhood friend and actress Natalie Portman, and the resemblance is truly uncanny.

“This is my friend at age 13. He looked exactly like Natalie Portman,” wrote the user.

That’s right, HE. It’s a boy. A boy who is the friggin’ spitting image of the Black Swan star. He even has her signature mole on the left cheek!

Did someone shoplift Natalie’s DNA from a hair follicle and make a clone after genetically engineering her reproductive organs? 

Naturally, the burning question asked by Reddit users (and everyone who’s seen this pic) is, what does he look like now?

The original poster never answered, but the community seemed to enjoy the response, “Keira Knightly.”

But, of course, this is Reddit we’re talking about, so of course someone had to come up with an intellectual response.

According to user Araucaria:

“Our people has a very small gene pool due to near genocide several times in eastern European history. Pick any two Ashkenazi Jews, and we would effectively be 4th or 5th cousins. It isn’t surprising that Ms. Portman would have a near double in the community.”

Alrighty, then! Perhaps this boy was a long lost cousin of Ms. Portman’s.

I, for one, would love to see these two meet, like Kim Kardashian recently did with her doppelganger.

If you’re out there, Natalie Portman lookalike, would you please come forward so we can see you now? The world awaits.