Showing posts with label Prefer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prefer. Show all posts

Friday, June 30, 2017

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Prefer It Behind Closed Doors!

Everybody’s so hyped at the idea of another huge royal wedding that it’s so easy to forget to let Prince Harry and Meghan Markle just, you know, be a couple.

There’s been zero shortage of royal engagement rumors, but these two are still, officially, just dating.

And on those dates, according to reports, they like to stay behind closed doors. But, you wonder, what are they doing with all of that private time?

Apparently, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stay indoors when visiting, no matter where in the world they happen to be.

Honestly, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle not wanting to leave the comforts of home might be the biggest “the stars, they’re just like us!” thing that we’ve ever read.

What’s not to love?

At home, everything’s perfectly tailored for you — because you live there.

The furniture is comfy and you can lounge on it.

You have everything that you need without going anywhere.

Also, at home, you don’t have to wear pants.

In their case, there’s more reason to stay at home than just the usual comforts.

According to E!‘s source, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been “total homebodies” during their visits with each other, whether they’re in Kensington or Toronto.

“They’ve just been chilling at home. There’s always someone watching or trying to get pics when they go out that they’re pretty happy just staying in and doing nothing.”

That makes a lot of sense.

As for what sorts of activities the two get up to?

“They like to cook, watch movies, and that kind of thing.”

Well, we’re sure that those are included.

As well as some standard relationship activities that the source was too polite to mention.

They may have left out other specifics — you might play Overwatch with the two of them on your team and never, ever know it.

Apparently, on a previous visit in Kensington, Meghan and Harry watched Moana together.

A lot of people saw that (wonderful!) film in theaters, but we can see how that would be a problem, given their status.

Yeah, “Paparazzi” may have been one of Lady Gaga’s earliest (and overall best) hits, but few people would actually want to be filmed constantly on their social outings.

Imagine trying to go to trivia night at a local brewery or go see Wonder Woman again (or fill in your own activities from the past few days instead).

Now imagine that, even if the employees and fellow patrons are totally normal around you …

(Which is a stretch, in the case of Prince Harry)

… there are cameras pointed at you as you enter and exit and, if there are any windows or doorways, people are snapping photos of you all the while.

Prince Harry is, well, Prince Harry.

He’s been used to this kind of thing for his literal entire life.

Meghan Markle is an actress, but she’s not, like, peak Jennifer Aniston or whatever.

She’s on Suits, which means that, pre-Harry, if she had a nip slip or committed vehicular manslaughter, she’d make the news, but otherwise probably not.

That has obviously changed.

And even if Meghan Markle were, like, the Grand Magistrix of Iceland or some other kind of royalty and totally used to this as Harry must be … they’d still probably want to stay indoors.

(Not just for sexy reasons)

Unless you’re both really, really into exhibitionism, nobody’s going to enjoy going on a regular date that consists of being followed and photographed.

Save all of that for the red carpet events, right?

As eager as we all are to see where this relationship goes, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were only officially confirmed as being in a relationship last November.

We should probably give them time.

There’s always a chance that regular relationship problems will arise and that the two will part ways.

It’s also possible that not-so-regular relationship problems will arise.

Prince Harry famously admitted that nobody wants to be royal, which was all kinds of controversial.

Would he and Meghan really be willing to condemn their potential children to that kind of life?

Or are the unnamed reforms in Prince Harry’s efforts to modernize the monarchy all intended so that, when he has children, they’ll have better lives?
