Showing posts with label Provokes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Provokes. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2017

Josh Duggar Resurfaces, Provokes Outrage From Fans

It’s been just over two yearss since the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young women – four of whom were his sisters – and managed to avoid prosecution for his crimes with the help of his parents.

In most cases, that’s not the sort of scandal that celebrities are able to overcome, but the Duggars enjoy the support of an unusually devoted fan base, and to the chagrin of many, they’ve successfully engineered a comeback of sorts.

Unfortunately for the Duggars, however, even TV’s most cultish viewers draw the line somewhere

Yes, per the terms of the family’s unofficial contract with fans, Josh Duggar is not welcome on Counting On.

In fact, the family is so concerned with not reminding fans about Josh’s heinous misdeeds that he’s been edited out of footage that was later used on the show after accidentally wandering into a shot.

But while the Duggars seem to be doing their best to distance themselves from Josh in public, they still interact with him regularly off camera.

Family events, of course, present a unique challenge, as Josh and wife Anna are invited to birthday parties, weddings, and the like, but must do their best to keep a safe distance between themselves and the camera crews that are invariably on hand.

But while Josh will likely never appear on Counting On, his family seems to have relaxed their attitude toward the disgraced 29-year-old appearing and speaking in public forums:

That’s Josh and wife Anna at the Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell’s wedding.

The young couple got hitched over the weekend, and as you can see, Josh and Anna offered their congrats via video.

Not surprisingly, fan reactions to the rare Josh appearance were decidedly mixed.

Some praised the former lobbyist for showing his face on his brother’s big day, knowing he remains a target for the most scathing sort of criticism.

Others called attention to the jaw-dropping irony of a sex offender and serial adulterer offering up marital advice.

“I love seeing Josh and Anna. Such a beautiful example of God’s redemptive abilities in our lives. So awesome to see how they sought God in the midst of their hardest times. Very inspiring! God bless,” wrote one fan.

“Let’s hope Joe treats his wife better than Josh,” countered another.

Others pointed out that guests at Joseph and Kendra’s wedding were given sparklers at the reception, which may have been a strategic move by the event’s coordinators.

“If I were potentially editing someone out of a background in something, I’d love there to be sparklers,” wrote one user on the Free Jinger website.

Obviously, Josh will never gain the acceptance of his family’s many detractors, and even some Duggar fans struggle with his continued inclusion in family events.

But it seems clear that despite his many appalling misdeeds and the fact that Josh is currently locked in a legal battle with his own sisters, the Duggar clan isn’t giving up on him just yet.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
