Showing posts with label Respectful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Respectful. Show all posts

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Anne-Marie Losique on Ben Affleck Video: It Was All For Show! He"s Very Respectful!

Anne-Marie Losique, the Canadian TV personality Ben Affleck is seen behaving inappropriately with in a newly-resurfaced video, is speaking out.

Not with the kind of response you might expect, either.

The 2004 interview with the acclaimed actor appeared on Box-Office, a Canadian TV and magazine series, and resurfaced on Wednesday.

A day earlier, Affleck condemned Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood mogul accused of egregious sexual assault and sexual harassment.

Despite the fact that Ben makes overtly sexual comments, pulls her onto his lap and seemingly tries to fondle her, Losique says it’s not like that.

Losique, also a singer and owner of Vanessa Media, told The Hollywood Reporter that this was an act and taken entirely out of context.

“This was for the camera,” she said. “You have to understand that we have done dozens and dozens of interviews like that.”

“It was for a show I was producing, so I was not at all a victim. When the cameras rolled, we would start to do that game.”

She went on to add:

“As soon as it stopped rolling, there was none of that. He never touched me in any improper way. He was very respectful, I must say.”

While squeezing Losique, he says viewers would like the show more if she did it topless and asks why she is not showing more cleavage.

All an act, she says, and said in a fun manner, “But in this case, it is more of a delicate issue because of everything that is happening.”

“I can’t say I am thrilled to have that interview mixed in with the other stories because I don’t think that is at all the same thing.”

Losique says there were 20 people in the room and everyone knew it was ridiculous. Of the scrutiny of Affleck, she says, “I find it sad.” 

“I know that people like fishing for anything, but this is completely out of context. I would like this to not have any negative impact on him.”

“It has been blown out of proportion.”

On Wednesday, Hilarie Burton claimed Affleck groped her breast during a visit to MTV’s TRL in 2003 (that video has also now surfaced). 

A New York-based writer named Shanice Brim actually mentioned this week that “[Affleck] grabbed Hilarie Burton’s breasts on TRL once.”

That gained media traction when Burton responded simply, “I didn’t forget,” which promoted a brief but memorable exchange with Brim. 

“I’m so sorry that happened to you,” Brim wrote back. “It’s infuriating that people never bring up all the gross, predatory things he’s done.”

“Seriously, thank you for that. I was a kid,” Burton said, later posting montage of clips from TRL which included the incident in question.

Burton laughed it off, but was clearly hurt inside, as she went on to offer support for women have come forward as victims this week.

“Girls. I’m so impressed with you brave ones,” Burton tweeted. “I had to laugh back then so I wouldn’t cry. Sending love.”

Affleck apologized for that behavior in the briefest of statements, saying he acted “inappropriately,” but has yet to speak on the Losique clip.

The catalyst for all of this, of course, is the downfall of Weinstein – and a statement Affleck put out condemning his conduct.

“I am saddened and angry that a man I worked with used his position of power to intimidate, sexually harass and manipulate” women, he said.

Ben’s statement inflamed accusations against him, however, notably when Rose McGowan called Affleck a liar and an enabler.

Even Losique, the relatively-unknown (in the U.S.) TV personality, said she had an uncomfortable moment with Weinstein years ago.

“Yes, I met him quite a few times,” she began.

“I knew he was a player. He did invite me once at the Toronto Film Festival to go up to his suite for an interview. Of course I did not go.”

“And it stopped there. He said, ‘I would be more comfortable in my suite.’ I said, ‘Umm, no.’ I am not saying something would have happened.”

“But I made sure nothing happened.”

She reiterates that what happened with Affleck in the now-infamous video above is not the same thing at all. Do you agree?


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Paris Hilton Defends Donald Trump: He"s So Respectful & Sweet!

Over the weekend, white supremacist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia shocked the nation and claimed the lives of three Americans.

Among the departed was 32-year-old Heather Heyer who was on hand to peacefully demonstrate against the hate and bigotry ravaging her town.

At first, President Donald Trump failed to renounce the violent actions of the KKK members and neo-Nazis who turned out in force for the Charlottesville protests.

When he did speak out against their hate crimes, Trump’s words seemed coerced, half-hearted, and insincere.

As a result, many were not surprised last night when Trump reverted back to his original position, insisting that “both sides” were responsible for the Charlottesville tragedy, including members of what he called “the alt-left.”

Having clicked on an article about Paris Hilton, you might be wondering what all of this has to do with the hotel heiress and sex tape star who gave us the memorable catchphrase “that’s hot.”

Well, as you may already know Paris has been a Trump supporter for quite some time.

And it seems recent events have done nothing to sway her from that position.

“I’ve known him since I was a little girl. And he’s always been so nice, so respectful and sweet,” the 36-year-old told Marie Claire.

Asked about the decidedly non-respectful comments Trump made to Billy Bush in the now-infamous “grab ‘em by the p–sy tapes,” Paris had this to say:

”I’ve heard guys say the craziest things ever, because I’m always around guys, and I listen to them speak.”

Answering a question about the many women who have accused Trump of sexual assault, Paris gave a repugnant response that shall henceforth be known as the Cosby Defense.

”I think that they are just trying to get attention and get fame,” she said of the alleged victims.

Yes, it seems Paris Hilton is one of those people who could watch Trump gun someone down on Fifth Avenue, and declare, “That’s hot.” 

Now, to be fair, the interview was published today, but we don’t know when it took place.

Paris’ comments may have come before the events in Charlottesville, and she may have changed her position on Trump since.

But if that’s the case, she has yet to clarify it.

In fact, she’s made no public comment about the events in Charlottesville.

She’s under no obligation to do so, but we think it’s safe to say she wasn’t profoundly affected by the violence, and her political stance is likely the same as it was last week.

Paris has plugged her Marie Claire interview on multiple social media platforms, but has consistently ignored follow-up questions about her love of Trump.

But hey, this is a celebrity gossip site, and you came here to have a chuckle at the world’s most clueless heiress, not dwell on the sad state of our nation.

So here’s a nugget to leave you smiling.

It seems that Paris believes were it not for her sex tape with Rick Salomon, she’d be regarded as America’s uber-classy answer to Princess Di. No, seriously:

“It’s really hurtful, because my whole life I really looked up to Princess Diana, all these elegant, amazing women, and I feel like [Salomon] just took that all away from me,” she says.

“I could have been like that, but because of that tape, I will always be judged and thought of as whatever they say about me because of a private moment between my boyfriend and me.

Leaking a sex tape without consent is never funny.

But Paris comparing herself to Princess Di – that’s just downright hilarious.
