Showing posts with label Salivating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salivating. Show all posts

Friday, March 30, 2018

Travis Scott: Salivating Over Kylie Jenner"s Post-Baby Body!

Travis Scott isn’t just stepping up as a father, according to a new report.

He is really anxious to step up again as a lover!

As we’ve mentioned many times over the past few weeks, Scott has surprised Kylie Jenner with how helpful he’s been around the house and around his actual baby.

He’s allegedly been changing diapers and actually caring for daughter Stormi Webster, which shouldn’t really earn him credit, considering this is how men in his position are supposed to act.

But plenty of critics out there didn’t think Scott had it in him.

Some, like Wendy Williams, have said publicly that Travis will leave Kylie the first chance he gets.

But this time hasn’t arrived yet at least. 

And Kylie seems to think it never will, telling those close to her that she even wants Scott to propose in the near future.

Will wedding bells actually ring for the couple? It’s too early to say for certain.

But will Kylie’s screams and moans ring out in the middle of the night while her boyfriend’s rails her six ways to Sunday?

Scott sure hopes so!

“She looks and feels great!” this source says. “Travis reassures her there’s no need to hide her body.”

How very sweet, right?

It sounds as if the rapper is really yearning to get back into bed with the reality star, even if Kylie herself doesn’t think these days that anyone would lust after her body.

As anyone with an Internet connection knows far too well by now, Kylie is desperate to get her bikini body back.

She has already resorted to waist training, supposedly dropping 20 pounds since giving birth on February 1, yet still a bit ashamed over how she looks.

This is why the 20-year old recently shared the following throwback photo of herself and wrote as a caption: “Summer goals.”

And, to a large extent, we get it.

Kylie owes nearly her entire fame and all of her Instagram followers to this body, to the many photos she has posted in which she flaunts it online.

But it’s not healthy for her to care THIS much about shedding so many pounds, not when she has a tiny baby at home to care for and not when she ought to be comfortable with who she is, regardless of the numbers on a scale.

So if Scott really is telling her to calm down, chill out and let him make love to her as is, we salute the guy for it.

This Us Weekly article states that Kylie and Scott are “in a very good place” in their relationship, enjoying parenthood tremendously.

They aren’t really talking marriage, a friend close to the pair says, but “it wouldn’t surprise anyone if Kylie gave Stormi another sibling very soon.”


It would surprise us, that’s for sure.

Stormi was born on February 1.

It’s been less than two months.

We’d be less surprised to see Kris Jenner get knocked up than we would to see Kylie get pregnant so soon after giving birth for the first time.

That was a good one, anonymous friend. It made us laugh.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Jimmy Fallon Salivating Over Giancarlo Stantion Joining Yankees

Jimmy Fallon’s so stoked on Giancarlo Stanton joining the Yankees, dude went straight PRIMAL when we asked him about the blockbuster trade. “OOOOOOOOOH … what a season we’re gonna have, oh my goodness!” Jimmy told TMZ Sports in the Big…
