Showing posts with label Selena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selena. Show all posts

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Monday, September 10, 2018

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Selena Gomez: Living Her Best Life Without Justin Bieber!

While Justin Bieber’s engagement to Hailey Baldwin has been making waves, Selena Gomez has been quietly teasing her “very honest” new album.

Some feared that seeing her on-again, off-again get engaged just a few months after their breakup would be a devastating blow.

Instead, it sounds like her life is better than ever with him out of the picture.

InTouch Weekly reports that a source close to Selena says that the actress and singer is living her best life now that she’s Biebs-free.

“Selena’s on-again, off-again relationship with Justin left her a nervous wreck,” the insider shares.

We can only imagine the impact that his well-documented bad behavior and alleged substance abuse struggles had on her for years.

“Now that she’s accepted that it’s over for good,” the source reveals. “She actually feels relieved to close that chapter of her life.”

The insider continues: “For the first time in years, she feels free.”

“She’s distanced herself from her old Hollywood life,” the source divulges.

“And,” the insider continues, Selena has shifted away from “the fake friends that came with it.”

When you’re a talented, beautiful celebrity, people are going to want to cling to you on the offchance that it could one day benefit them.

Now, the source says, “She only surrounds herself with genuine people who love her for who she is.”

That is good. Your squad should always support you for who you are, not for what you can do for them.

So, in addition to working on her new album (I cannot wait!), what exactly is Selena reportedly up to now that she’s no longer exchanging bodily fluids with Justin?

The insider explains that Selena “spends most of her free time enjoying relaxing dinners or hanging by the pool with pals.”

Well, presumably she doesn’t spend all that much time with dinner. It only happens once a day.

But we get the picture.

“Selena has grown up a lot,” the source adds. “And feels so much more comfortable in her own skin.”

It fills our hearts with joy and peace to hear that Selena has finally been able to put Justin Bieber behind her in a non-sexual context.

We’re not saying that we’re jumping for joy at the idea of Hailey Baldwin, at 21 years of age, linking her life to Justin Bieber’s — potentially for decades to come.

But it is good to see that Selena has outgrown Justin and knows it.

Exes plant their hooks in your heart. Time makes it seem like the bad times weren’t so bad, until all that you remember are the good times. That’s how they get you.

Now, it looks like Selena has moved on. Finally, Justin has no hold on her.

With all of that said, we should say that we’re reluctant to take reports on Selena’s state of mind at face value unless they come from, you know, Selena herself.

Especially when it’s good news, like this is.

We always want to believe that our favorite celebrities are living their best lives.

We will say that we absolutely hope that this is true.

And, again, that we are really looking forward to new music from Selena.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Selena Gomez: Justin and Hailey"s Engagement Is Messing With My Head!

Now that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are engaged, many diehard Selenators are hoping that Selena Gomez can finally be free of him once and for all.

Unfortunately, a report says that Selena feels like she’s unable to move forward with a new relationship or delete old photos from her time with the Biebs.

It sounds like Justin’s engagement is messing with her head.

A source tells HollywoodLife that Selena is struggling to date in the face of Justin’s engagement.

“Selena feels like right now dating is not in the cards,” the insider reveals.

That’s interesting — there had been speculation that Justin was dating Hailey to get revenge on Selena for Selena’s own rebound.

Maybe the Caleb Stevens thing was never as big as some people believed.

“She thinks that it is hard to find someone because of her celebrity,” the source explains. “And its hard to meet people organically.”

There is, unfortunately, more to it.

“Plus she always thinks how it will be perceived to be with someone in the outside world,” the insider admits.

Dating someone is one thing. Publicly dating means inviting the scrutiny of millions.

The source explains: “She hates being defined by the people she doesn’t know on who she dates or doesn’t date.”

We can absolutely understand that.

Additionally, Selena apparently resents the amount of speculation that follows her every association.

“She can’t hang out with anyone without it turning into something,” the insider laments.

“And,” the source continues. “She knows it scares away the chance of love.”

That sounds so grim!

It’s a real obstacle, the insider explains, “because there are so many more layers to break through for any suitors that might want to be with her.”

Selena also worries that her fame and personal history drives away the sorts of men she would most like to be with.

“People don’t want to be with her,” the source fears. “Because it comes with so much more baggage.”

That is so unfair!

“She is trying to figure that out for herself,” the insider affirms. “And once she does she will be more prone to start dating and putting herself out there.”

That is great to hear.

“Its a process she wouldn’t like to deal with,” the source admits. “But she knows that it is her life and she has to manage it appropriately.”

Another insider tells HollywoodLife that Selena can’t delete her Bieber pics.

“Selena’s friends,” the source confesses. “Caught her looking at old selfies of her and Justin on her phone.”

As the Nick Joseph meme says, oh no baby what is you doing?

“Selena says she has tried to delete a lot of their pics,” the insider reveals.

“But,” the source continues. “She just can’t bring herself to get rid of all of them.”

“The pics are sweet memories,” the insider explains. “And Selena likes to look at them once in a while.”

That’s normal. And nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

The source says: “Seeing pics of Justin and her smiling, happy together, remind Selena of the good times she had with Justin.”

“She gets emotional when looking at them,” the insider spills. “And does not want to get rid of them.”

This apparently remains the case “even though he is preparing to marry someone else.”

Look, nobody has an easy time letting go of the good times in their past, even if they’ve become bittersweet.

But it is nothing short of tragic that one of the most talented, beautiful stars on the planet is being cock-blocked by her own history.

We hope that she is able to overcome this hurdle soon.

Selena deserves all of the happiness in the world.

And Justin has never let his dating history or fame hold him back. Not even a little.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Selena Gomez: Pining After Justin Bieber, Wishing SHE Were His Fiancee?!

There have been recent claims that Justin Bieber always knew that Hailey Baldwin was the one, even while he was with Selena Gomez.

So it’s only natural that we’re hearing from Selena’s camp on Justin, Hailey, and their looming nuptials.

According to one source, Selena hopes that the fateful wedding day never arrives.

According to HollywoodLife, a source close to Selena Gomez says that she is hoping that Justin and Hailey never make it to the altar.

The insider claims that “Selena is quietly, secretly hoping and praying that Justin never goes through with his marriage to Hailey.”

The source says that, despite having broken up with the Biebs for what many fans hope will be the final time earlier this year, Selena is waxing nostalgic about her time with him.

“The times Selena was most happy in life were days when she was with Justin,” the source claims.

“And she always thought she would be the one marrying him,” the insider reveals. “Not Hailey.”

Justin and Hailey are engaged, though some very believable reports say that they’re not rushing and are instead waiting until next year.

But this source says that any delay is music to Selena’s ears.

“Selena can’t help but feel like the longer Justin and Hailey stay engaged the less likely they will actually get married,” the source claims.

She and Justin have a long history and, despite their many troubles, she allegedly feels that they’re not done with each other.

“Selena fears a marriage between Justin and Hailey would crush her,” the insider describes.

That said, if you’re waiting for her to rush in like a lovesick fool and ask Justin to take her back … don’t hold your breath.

“Selena would never interfere with Justin’s relationship with Hailey though,” the source clarifies.

“So,” the insider continues. “She is not going to say anything to him.”

Well, that sounds healthy.

“But she also feels that as long as Justin and Hailey do not get married,” the source says. “She stands a better chance at having her own happy ending with Justin.”

It’s sort of odd to hear that Selena is still pining after Justin.

One would imagine that, after their latest reconnection didn’t pan out, she would have realized that they are simply not meant to be.

He may no longer have the same alleged substance issues that he had through the bulk of his relationship with Selena.

But sometimes, as Selena herself no doubt discovered last winter, a person’s individual failings can go deeper than, say, struggles with sobriety.

Does Selena really want to relive that, only to learn the same hard lesson again?

Here is what we are totally willing to believe: that Selena Gomez is hoping and perhaps even praying that Justin and Hailey’s wedding day never arrives.

Why? Because Selena is a good person.

And she wouldn’t want Hailey’s life to be defined by making the same mistake that Selena has made multiple times, but amplified with marriage vows.

It’s very believable that Selena hopes that a younger, lovestruck woman can learn from her mistakes instead of repeating them.

The bit about wishing that she were engaged to Justin … we get the feeling that if that’s what Selena wanted, they’d be engaged.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Selena Gomez to Justin Bieber: Congrats on the Engagement, Jerk!

It’s been three weeks since Justin Bieber got engaged to Hailey Baldwin, and millions of Beliebers are still reeling in shock from the news.

Of course, no one was more shocked than Justin’s most famous ex, Selena Gomez.

Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez - Split

Reports about Selena’s reaction have varied, but accounts concur that she was shocked by the engagement.

Some have claimed that Selena was happy to be rid of Justin for good, while others say she would do anything to win him back.

The former scenario was always much more believable, and it’s supported by a new report from Star Magazine.

The tabloid claims that Selena recently wrote a letter to Justin congratulating him on his engagement.

“Selena was initially blindsided by Justin’s wedding plans, but after lots of contemplation realized it’s for the best, and told him so in a letter,” a source told the tabloid.

“She told pals it gave her enormous closure, because it marked the end of a long, painful chapter of her life.”

The insider claims that with the mailing of the letter (frankly, we’re finding it tough to believe that Selena really still uses snail mail, but whatever), Selena felt that she had permanently turned the page on an important chapter in her life:

“Selena doesn’t want to be linked to Justin forever,” the insider said.

“She really just wants to get on with her life. She doesn’t want to be part of the Justin circus anymore.” 

A separate source says Selena looks forward to a future in which she and Justin can enjoy a relationship as platonic friends and share memories of their time together: 

“Selena hopes to get to a point where she looks back on her time with Justin fondly and moves on,” the insider claims.

“At the end of the day, she only wants the best for him.” 

Well, if this report is accurate, then that’s awfully mature of Selena.

Of course, it’s no surprise that she would seize the opportunity to be the bigger person.

Not only has she always been much more emotionally evolved than Justin, she’s now unburdened of the baggage that may have prevented her from seeking out a relationship with someone who’s actually on her level.

It’s a win-win!
