Showing posts with label Shamer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shamer. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Kelly Clarkson Shuts Down Body Shamer on Twitter: What Did She Say?

Kelly Clarkson is not one to stay quiet when someone grates on her nerves, and we love her for her brutal honesty. 

The latest drama for the 35-year-old centers around a troll on Twitter who took a swipe at the singer for her weight. 

“You’re fat,” a troll fired at her, but as you can probably expect, Kelly did not take that jab lying down. 

“…and still f—ing awesome,” Kelly fired back towards the troll. Yeah, you tell them, Kelly. 

Understandably, fans were quick to jump to the American Idol winner’s defense, while complimenting her reaction to the hater. 


“Seriously miserable people tweet others calling them fat. Bet Cliff couldn’t carry a tune to save his life,” said another. 

It’s downright horrible that these people are hiding behind a keyboard taking swipes at people they do not like. Like we said earlier, Kelly has no qualms about letting everyone know it does not faze her. 

When English media personality Katie Hopkins criticized Kelly’s weight in 2015, Clarkson had an epic response for her.

“Oh, she’s tweeted something nasty about me? That’s because she doesn’t know me. I’m awesome! It doesn’t bother me. It’s a free world. Say what you will,” Clarkson said.

That, however, was not the first time Kelly found herself being body shamed. In fact, she opened up to Ellen that same year about the severity of the situation. 

“I love how people think that’s new — like, ‘Welcome to the past 13 years,’” she said at the time.

“Yeah, I was the biggest girl on [American Idol], too. And I wasn’t big, but people would call me big because I was the biggest one on Idol, and I’ve kind of always gotten that.”

Kelly Clarkson made headlines a few weeks back when it emerged that she ditched a return trip to American Idol in favor of taking on a coveted role on The Voice. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Jamie Otis: See Her Amazing Response to Her Body Shamer!

Jamie Otis, star of Married at First Sight and generally lovely human being, has been having some issues on social media lately.

You’ll never believe this, but she’s actually been having to deal with mean, hateful strangers on the internet.

She’s been dealing with one awful person in particular — a woman who decided to body shame her over the way her breasts looked in a Facebook Live video.

In the video, Jamie was reviewing one of those subscription boxes, and she was also wearing a somewhat revealing shirt.

How dare she, right?

Here’s the most scandalous shot from the video, one where she was hunched over a bit:

Upon seeing the video, some woman thought it was appropriate to leave a comment that read “I’m just trying to figure out what’s lopsided — her boobs, her bra or her shirt … Woman, have some respect for yourself.”

OK, for one, mind your business. For two, it’s totally normal for women to have breasts that are two different sizes.

And for three, Jamie is pregnant. Pregnancy boobs have minds of their own, and Jamie should not be criticized for that.

Unfortunately, Jamie saw the comment. And it really, really bothered her. Enough that she wrote a blog post about it.

In the post, she wrote that she’d been away for a long weekend during which she hadn’t checked her social media, so when she got back home, she was looking forward to seeing comments and messages from her friends and “frans.”

“Frans” is what she calls fans that have become friends — Jamie Otis is too cute for this world.

So she was excited to check out her Facebook, but then she saw that inappropriate, rude comment. And that happiness just went right out the window.

“Instantly I felt my smile fade,” she wrote. “My mood went bleak. I immediately looked down to my chest to see if my boobs are really that noticeably ‘lopsided’ …?!”

“Then I re-watched my video to see if my breasts looked completely abnormal? I wasn’t thinking of my breasts or even paying attention to them when I was chatting with all of my friends and frans live on Facebook.”

She said that she’s a bit hormonal, being 18 weeks pregnant, and that she’s “a bit sensitive, too” because she’s been bullied before.

“I used to be so insecure,” she explained, “that I would just keep quiet and not say anything. As a matter of fact, I would do ANYTHING to get the person who was bullying and shaming me to begin to like me.”

Jamie ended up sending a private message to the woman who body shamed her, and she shared that in the post too — turns out her boobs actually are significantly different sizes because she had a lump removed from one when she was younger.

She spilled her heart out to this woman, she kindly asked her to stop leaving such superficial, harmful messages, and you know what the woman did?

She replied with “Modesty is an option. I don’t give a damn what size your breasts are. You’re broadcasting a video that you know lots of people are going to see. And all I can see is your boobs about to jiggle out of your shirt.”

Some people are just awful. This woman is just awful.

Jamie wrote that though this response left her speechless, “My goal in sharing this experience is that any woman who stumbles across this post will just think about their comments before they post them.”

“Maybe we as women could go out of our way to build each other up instead of tear each other down.”

What a woman, right?
