Showing posts with label Shelton's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shelton's. Show all posts

Monday, June 19, 2017

Gwen Stefani Celebrates Blake Shelton"s Birthday: See the Photos!

Remember last year, when Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton had a goofily distinctive celebration for Blake Shelton’s 40th birthday?

Well, they’re back at it again, this time for his 41st.

And yes, of course there are photos. No birthday would be complete without a little PDA, right?

Gwen snapped this selfie over Blake’s shoulder.

The two didn’t celebrate alone, but with various members of Gwen’s family.

We’ve already told you that Gwen and Blake are closer than ever, but these photos prove it.

There was a video of Blake balancing a present on his head, which even we have to admit is endearingly goofy.

There’s a photo of Blake posing with his birthday cake … which is shaped like an armadillo.

You also see Blake giving his father-in-law, Dennis Stefani, a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek.

In other words, they’re already acting like family.

Kinda makes you wonder what’s on the horizon for this star-crossed couple, right?

Gwen posted the series of photos, but Blake had something of his own to say.

He tweeted: “Thanks for all the happy birthday wishes!!! 41…. S–t man I’m beating the odds.”

We’re not sure what the odds are that make it an achievement for a rich straight white man to survive into his early forties.

But … he’s probably joking.

It kind of fits with the voice that he uses on Twitter.

Now, no offense — and we really don’t mean any offense by this.

But … Blake Shelton is only 41?

We’d technically known his age before, but it really hits you in the face when it’s a birthday celebration.

Because he for sure looks older than that.

Maybe there’s some sort of Gwen Stefani effect when it comes to age perception.

Gwen Stefani is 47 and looks young for her age.

(Actually, if you swapped their ages, they’d look just about right but she’d still look young)

Remember last year, during the GOP primaries — somehow better than our current political climate — when she was 46, and people brought up that she was older than Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz was 45 at the time and looked, like, a decade older, and also like a poorly disguised Lovecraftian horror.

Anyway, Gwen Stefani is a bad basis for guessing somebody’s age.

The two met because they’re both judges on The Voice.

But they only bonded and got to know each other as a couple because they’d apparently both just been cheated.

It was famously reported that Gavin Rossdale was cheating on Gwen with the nanny.

Making it the worst-kept secret … though technically not directly confirmed.

Though Gwen has hinted that there may have been more, saying that people have no idea what she went through.

Tales of Miranda Lambert cheating on Blake Shelton were a little vaguer and more hushed.

Maybe because people know less.

Maybe because they’re both country stars and that’s just it’s own, entirely separate world.

But the two have been going strong, so close that we repeatedly hear rumors that they’re engaged.

This party really shows how close they are.

Not just with each other, but Blake seems close with Gwen’s whole family.

All in all, even though Gwen and Blake seem like they come from different planets, things are looking good for them.

Most of the fans of one of them have probably never met any fans of the other.

Honestly, the only Blake Shelton fan I know is a relative.

But maybe this unlikely celebrity union will build some cultural bridges or something.

Or, at the very least, get people to sample some music that they’d otherwise have never ever heard.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Gwen Stefani: ACTUALLY Pregnant With Blake Shelton"s Baby?!

Last week, we reported on rumors that Blake Shelton may be quitting The Voice at the behest of Gwen Stefani.

Sources close to the show claimed that Gwen had made up her mind to permanently cut ties with the singing competition, and she’d very persistently suggesting that her boyfriend join her in moving on.

At the time, the rumor was that Gwen wanted nothing to do with the show that introduced her to Blake for the simple reason that she caught wind of news that Miley Cyrus was returning to The Voice, and she wasn’t keen on sharing the spotlight.

Now, however, there are reports that Gwen is clearing her work schedule for a very different reason.

Rumors about Gwen getting pregnant with Blake’s baby have been circulating pretty much from the time these two started hooking up, so perhaps it’s no surprise that the rumor mill read way too much into Gwen’s decision to quit The Voice.

Countless anonymous “insiders” have sprung up in the past week insisting that the real reason for Gwen’s departure from the show is her desire to begin fertility treatments. 

“The father bug has bit Blake here and there,” a source recently told Hollywood Life.

“He sometimes gets his fix by hanging out with Gwen’s kids and then sometimes it makes him think he wants his own,” the insider adds.

“He knows that Gwen is getting up there in age and would love for her to be safe if the miracle of child birth happens.”

Another insider says that part of the reason Blake divorced Miranda Lambert was that she didn’t share his desire for a big family.

“Blake would be over the moon if he and Gwen end up having a baby together,” the tipster told HL.

“Having children has been a dream of his for a long time.”

The source added:

“He comes across as a carefree, sometimes immature guy, but deep down he’s a family man who wants to be surrounded by children. 

“He always wanted kids with Miranda [Lambert], but her resistance to it was part of the reason they ended up splitting.”

At 47, we suppose it’s not surprising that Gwen would feel a sense of urgency when it comes to having more kids.

And maybe she feels that if she take on fewer professional responsibilities in order to do so, Blake should have to be at home more, too.

Fair is fair.

Just don’t ask the dude to quit drinking for nine months.


Friday, February 24, 2017

Gwen Stefani: Trying to Get Pregnant With Blake Shelton"s Baby?!

Ever since the world learned that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are dating unsubstantiated reportd about their future together have circulated on social media pretty much non-stop.

We’ve heard that Gwen and Blake are engaged more times than we count, and thus far, there’s still no official word from the couple on that one.

The other most common rumor, of course, is that Gwen is pregnant with Blake’s baby.

The Voice coaches have also remained mum on that one, but now a source close to Gwen and Blake is offering some interesting info with regard to the couple’s future plans to start a family of their own.

The insider tells Life & Style that Gwen and Blake do plan to get married (though they’re not officially engaged first) – but Gwen wants to get knocked up before she walks down the aisle:

“They’re trying to have a baby first,” says the source.

“That’s their main focus right now. [Gwen’s] determined to have another baby and carry it herself, even though Blake has said it doesn’t matter if they adopt or get a surrogate.”  

The insider says Gwen has already undergone several unsuccessful in vitro treatments, but she’s not discouraged by the lack of results:

“Physically and emotionally, it was just a lot for her. So she’s trying to get pregnant naturally for the time being,” the source claims.

Wait … IVF didn’t work, so she’s back to the old-fashioned way?

We’re not sure that’s how these things work, especially at 47 years of age.

Look, we know Janet Jackson just had a baby at 50, but she’s sort of the exception that proves the rule.

Celebrities have the rest of us beat in terms of wealth, influence, and amount of food with decorative flakes of real gold eaten, and it’s only natural that after a certain amount of time, it all starts to go to their heads.

It’s easy to see how even the most humble stars could start thinking that they’re physically superior to the peasants, but if 2016 taught us anything, it’s that famous people are mere mortals.

We’re not trying to tell Gwen how to live her life …

… but since she could easily afford a surrogate and she could give some poor orphan the best childhood ever, she may want to consider other options.


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Gwen Stefani: PREGNANT With Blake Shelton"s Baby?!

It’s been less than three months since we first learned that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are dating, and the relationship seems to be moving awfully fast.

That said, we’re not sure we moving quite this fast:

Yes, according to the latest issue of Star magazine, Gwen is pregnant with Blake’s baby

If it were true (it’s not), it would be quite the unexpected development, as Shelton has been married twice before and never showed any interest in having children.

Add to that the fact Gwen is 46 and already has three kids of her own, and a surprise pregnancy seems that much less likely.

Despite the claim on the cover that Gwen shocked Miranda by breaking the news to her on Christmas, the article offers nothing but some shot-in-the-dark speculation from an unidentified source:

“Gwen wasn’t drinking over the holidays, and she relaxed her workout regimen too, so no one would be surprised if she turned out to be pregnant,” says the “insider.”

The tabloid justifies it’s BS headline with the following observation from its probably fabricated source: 

“Hearing that Gwen is pregnant would be [Miranda’s] worst nightmare.”

Well, if nothing else, it would certainly come as a shock. Fortunately for Miranda, we don’t think she’ll need to worry about hearing that news any time soon.