Showing posts with label Sohpia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sohpia. Show all posts

Monday, June 18, 2018

Farrah Abraham, Debra Danielsen Battle For Custody of Sohpia!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Farrah Abraham was arrested last week after allegedly assaulting a male staffer at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Sources say the victim was not seriously injured, and the sight of Farrah telling the cops to go f–k themselves remains hilarious, so consider this one of those situations that sucked for everyone involved, but that still allows you to laugh at all the principal players guilt-free.

In fact, the only one who’s deserving of your sympathy here is Farrah’s 9-year-old daughter, Sophia, who was in the hotel at the time of the incident.

Insiders insist that Sophia did not witness the attack on what we assume was a bartender who had the gall to cut Farrah off after her 17th margarita.

However, the fact that Sophia was in the building and thus had to be turned over to the care of a nanny while her mother was behind bars has raised concerns about Farrah’s fitness as a parent.

Not surprisingly, Farrah’s parents are offering two very different takes on the situation.

“We have seen this before,” Michael Abraham recently told Radar Online.

“The situation was blown out of proportion, a misunderstanding that occurred and there was no battery or trespassing charges,” he adds.

“The police were doing their job even though they were misinformed and lied to by others at the hotel.”

Debra Danielsen, however, is said to be deeply concerned about her granddaughter’s well-being and “hopes to hire a lawyer who can possibly help her gain custody time with Sophia.”

It seems that even before last week’s violence, Deb objected to Farrah’s decision to pull Sophia out of school so that she could tag along on her mother’s world travels.

“[Sophia] needs to be with her family, not about strangers and volatility and her mother being arrested,” Debra told Radar.

“It’s very disgusting,” Danielsen added.

“She needs to go to school… She needs to not be dragged on a party all over the world.”

It seems Debra is taking steps to ensure that Sophia will be spending more time in stable environments and hopes to secure partial custody of the girl.

Farrah has yet to comment on the impending court battle, but Michael certainly has some thoughts on the situation.

“If Debra takes that route she will be only making the divide between her and Farrah only worse,” he says.

“If Debra wants to be able to see the girls (Sophia), Debra needs to look at herself and CHANGE. Stop selling disgusting stories about Farrah which fraudulently diagnose mental illness and poor parenting.” 

Michael goes on to accuse Deb of exploiting the situation to try and boost her own public profile:

“If Debra really cared, she would have listened to my request while we were finding out the details and facts,” Michael says.

“It’s NEVER about doing what a parent should be doing, which is supporting her daughter and NOT THROWING HER FAMILY UNDER A BUS for money or to be relevant.”

As for the accusation that Sophia currently isn’t receiving an education, Michael insists she’s getting the best education possible by trotting the globe with Farrah.

“The fact is Sophia is in school,” he says, “a virtual school that permits her to do her lessons, homework, and activities anywhere.” 

He goes on to argue that Farrah was brought up in a similar fashion:

“World travel is excellent education for a child’s future,” Michael says.

“Debra must have forgot that we did the same with both Ashley and Farrah when they were children – yes they traveled the world with us!”

And look how Farrah turned out! Checkmate, Deb!
