Showing posts with label Strangers'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strangers'. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2016

TV Reporter Gets Arrested for Defecating on Stranger"s Lawn

Jonathan Lowe has gotten in trouble with the law for doing something really crappy.

And we mean this literally!

And also disgustingly.

An Arizona television reporter, Lowe was working in a Goodyear neighborhood when nature called. Like, really called.

Like, called 911 on the poor guy.

According to the police report, per TMZ, Lowe grabbed a bunch of papers of some kind… left his news van… and strolled across the street.

Once there, Lowe popped a squat and “proceeded to defecate in the yard of the residence,” authorities describe.

Someone spotted the act taking place and called the police, with Lowe immediately accepting responsibility once he was approached by an officer.

Reads the official report, quoting Lowe:

As soon as I contacted Jonathan, he stated, “I know what you want to talk to me about. I’ve been feeling very nick and I’ve been stuck in this van all day. So, I went over to that person’s yard and took care of business. Those people who called on me just wanted to start problems.”

Police spoke to the person who owns the lawn on which Lowe dropped his deuce and she said she would have allowed him to use her bathroom.

Alas, lesson learned. For us all.

The journalist was arrested for public defecation.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Total Strangers Meet on Plane, Are Each Other"s Total Dopplegangers

Earlier today, we posted photos of a Swedish model who looks exactly like Leonardo DiCaprio.

Seriously, the resemblance between Konrad Annerud and DiCaprio is downright eerie.

Somehow, though, this has proven NOT to be our most unbelievable look-alike story of the day.

Nope, that honor instead goes to… well…. the two random dudes in the picture above!

U.K. photographer Neil Thomas Douglas was taking what he assumed would be a basic Ryanair flight to Galway, Ireland this week, on his way to photograph a wedding.

Just a normal trip for Douglas, until he boarded the plane, sat down, took a look at the man next to him and did a literal double take!

It was his long-lost twin. Just without the blood relation.

Lee Beattie, a friend of Douglas’ wife, shared the above snapshot, confirming to The Huffington Post that the men had never met before and that they are not actually related.

“Guy on right is the husband of my friend @elrottencrotch,” she wrote on Twitter. “Guy on left is a STRANGER he met on a flight last night!”

Incredibly, the story gets even strangers.

According to Beattie, the men ended up at the same hotel, and later, drinking at the same bar.

“Neil then checked into his hotel in Galway to find his doppelgänger checking into the same hotel ahead of him. They laughed,” Beattie said.

“Later that night, Neil went to the pub and again, there was his twin. Total weirdness. They had a laugh and a pint.”

That deserves more than one pint, we’d say. AMAZING!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Drunk Dude Falls Asleep in Stranger"s House, REALLY Doesn"t Want to Leave

While they may be obnoxious to deal with in real life, super drunk people make for some seriously amusing YouTube videos.

Boozy logic makes no sense to the sober mind, that"s why it"s so amusing to see a drunk guy freak out over mac and cheese, or a Florida woman recording herself driving drunk, then acting all shocked when she gets pulled over.

What"s great about the newest Drunk Guy Acts Like a Jackass on YouTube clip is that the sober guy in the video attempts to reason with the total stranger who"s passed out in his bed.

Judging by the accents and the behavior of the insanely friendly homeowner, we"re guessing this incident occurred in Canada – home to the world"s most polite drunks.

Watch until the end to see just how chill things get between these two Canucks, and ask yourself if you"d be so laid back after finding a belligerent stranger in your bed. The answer is no. You would not.

Drunk dude falls asleep in strangers house really doesnt want to