Showing posts with label Susanna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Susanna. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2017

Susanna Keller, Sister of Anna Duggar, Engaged to Matt Davis!

Looks like another Duggar family member is getting ready to walk down the aisle after a long courtship, but it’s not who you might think.

Jinger recently married Jeremy Vuolo, and Jinger Duggar is courting Austin Forsyth (and allegedly having premarital sex with him).

But it’s the engagement of Anna Duggar’s sister Susanna – with whom the family has an interesting past – that’s taking them by storm.

A family source revealed that Susanna Keller, got engaged this past Saturday to her boyfriend of over two years, Matt Davis.

The romantic moment happened while the couple (pictured) was out to dinner in the great state of Florida, where they live.

In fact, he proposed on their two-year anniversary!

Those who watch Counting On online (or its predecessor 19 Kids & Counting) may recall Susanna’s history with the Duggars.

According to the family insider, the Duggar family – and the Keller family – adhere to strict religious beliefs that are at odds with hers.

How has Susanna chosen to live her life so differently?

Well, the once-beloved younger sister of Josh Duggar’s wife never fully embraced either family’s fundamentalist Christian practices.

The final, and most obvious straw came when Susanna Keller got pregnant. Oh yes. She gave birth to a baby girl out of wedlock in 2013.

That, combined with the fact that she declined to marry her baby’s father, resulted in a de facto ban from Duggar circles indefinitely.

Ironic to see a young woman worthy of being Anna and Josh’s courting chaperone before they tied the knot get shunned so blatantly.

She was frozen out almost completely, and immediately.

So icy were the familial relations due to the pregnancy that midwife-in-training Jill Duggar was forbidden from helping her give birth.

As for the wedding, will Josh and Anna attend?

“Anna called Susanna to tell her she is happy for her,” an insider told Radar, but that and going to the ceremony are different things. 

“Everyone has said they’re happy for her, but it doesn’t seem like Susanna’s parents, or Anna, will actually come to the wedding.”

The fact that Susanna begged Anna to leave cheating Josh after he was exposed on Ashley Madison certainly didn’t help matters.

Their problems run much deeper than that, though.

“Susanna’s dad sent her a letter detailing what she needs to do in order for him to be in attendance,” the source close to her claimed.

Instead of a letter, though, “It read like a check list!’

The most important order of business for Susanna to make things right? “Stop fornicating and ask God for forgiveness was at the top!”

Stop fornicating. You cannot make this stuff up.

If the Kellers support Anna’s decision to stay with Josh (which is debatable), can they really judge Susanna for how she lives her life? 

It’s a complicated question, morally and personally, to say the least, and we’re sure they have struggled with it many times.

One could say that they’re in no position to judge, but we’re not here to cast judgment ourselves on anyone’s beliefs or belief system.

All we can say is that we wish the couple the best.

Everyone deserves to be happy, and we hope that despite this history, they’re able to mend fences with the Kellers at some point soon.

Life is too short to carry grudges against family, no matter how much you might dislike some of the choices they’ve made in the past.

Surely the Duggars, especially Anna, believe that.

At least on some level, they must, if they’ve forgiven Josh for his own transgressions and welcomed him back into the fold at all. Right?
