Showing posts with label Through. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Through. Show all posts

Monday, January 14, 2019

Adam Sandler, Jamie Foxx Come Through Strong At Charity Softball Game for CA Victims

Breaking News
Some of biggest stars in the world — from Adam Sandler to Jamie Foxx to Baker Mayfield — came out to Malibu to play in a celeb softball game Sunday to raise a ton of money for a great cause. 
It was all for the California Strong charity … created by MLB stars ...
Adam Sandler, Jamie Foxx Come Through Strong At Charity Softball Game for CA Victims

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Alex Morgan Disney Police Video: "I Can"t Imagine What Black People Go Through"

Soccer superstar Alex Morgan was so upset when she was being kicked out of Disney World, she told officers, “You guys are lying right now. I can’t imagine what black people go through.” It was all captured on body cam footage released by the Orange…


Alex Morgan Disney Police Video: "I Can"t Imagine What Black People Go Through"

Soccer superstar Alex Morgan was so upset when she was being kicked out of Disney World, she told officers, “You guys are lying right now. I can’t imagine what black people go through.” It was all captured on body cam footage released by the Orange…
