Showing posts with label Throughout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Throughout. Show all posts

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Raging Wildfires Shut Down Productions Throughout L.A.

The raging L.A. wildfires have brought several Hollywood productions to a screeching halt … and there’s no end in sight. We’re told fires across Southern California — from Bel-Air and Malibu to Ventura and the San Fernando Valley — have shut…


Sunday, March 13, 2016

Ben Affleck LIED, BOOZED & GAMBLED Throughout Marriage to Jennifer Garner!

It’s time to play Who’s the Worst Husband Ever?! 

We’ll give you a hint: he plays Batman in an upcoming movie, and a duck quacks his name in an insurance commercial.

If you guessed Ben Affleck, and believe everything Star magazine says, you’d be right! 

Yep, an insider gave the rag all the dirty secrets of Ben Affleck’s marriage to Jennifer Garner, revealing the dark side the actress apparently glossed over in her tell-all interview with Vanity Fair.

In the VF piece, Jennifer insists that Ben’s affair with their children’s nanny Christine Ouzounian had nothing to do with their breakup.

Nah. Jen left him because he was a horrible person.

“He could be so disrespectful to her sometimes, it bordered on cruel,” divulged the source.

The source also claims that Ben would go out drinking with his buddies to the point of blacking out and owed millions of dollars in gambling debts.

But that’s not all! Not only was Ben a shitty husband, he was a shitty father, too.

in 2009, when his daughter Seraphina was born, Ben made four movies and clearly took no interest in being there during her first year.

Star paints the picture of Jen as the doting wife and Ben a mean, cold-hearted man who cared only about himself and whose demons got the best of him.

Sounds like the rehashed plot of a tired old movie we’d rather not see. 

Whether this tale is true or not (likely not, or at least grossly exaggerated), a source last week told Radar Online that Jen is winning the breakup and totally flourishing now that she’s a free woman.

And that’s the story we’d like to believe.

Ben Affleck LIED, BOOZED & GAMBLED Throughout Marriage to Jennifer Garner!

It’s time to play Who’s the Worst Husband Ever?! 

We’ll give you a hint: he plays Batman in an upcoming movie, and a duck quacks his name in an insurance commercial.

If you guessed Ben Affleck, and believe everything Star magazine says, you’d be right! 

Yep, an insider gave the rag all the dirty secrets of Ben Affleck’s marriage to Jennifer Garner, revealing the dark side the actress apparently glossed over in her tell-all interview with Vanity Fair.

In the VF piece, Jennifer insists that Ben’s affair with their children’s nanny Christine Ouzounian had nothing to do with their breakup.

Nah. Jen left him because he was a horrible person.

“He could be so disrespectful to her sometimes, it bordered on cruel,” divulged the source.

The source also claims that Ben would go out drinking with his buddies to the point of blacking out and owed millions of dollars in gambling debts.

But that’s not all! Not only was Ben a shitty husband, he was a shitty father, too.

in 2009, when his daughter Seraphina was born, Ben made four movies and clearly took no interest in being there during her first year.

Star paints the picture of Jen as the doting wife and Ben a mean, cold-hearted man who cared only about himself and whose demons got the best of him.

Sounds like the rehashed plot of a tired old movie we’d rather not see. 

Whether this tale is true or not (likely not, or at least grossly exaggerated), a source last week told Radar Online that Jen is winning the breakup and totally flourishing now that she’s a free woman.

And that’s the story we’d like to believe.