Showing posts with label Transitioning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transitioning. Show all posts

Friday, October 27, 2017

Teddy Geiger: I"m Transitioning to Womanhood

Teddy Geiger has made a very personal admission.

The singer-songwriter responded to a question by a follower on Twitter today by coming clean about something that has apparently been on his mind for a long time.

“Tell us, why do you look different lately?” the commenter wrote, to which Geiger responded very simply and straightforwardly:

Okay… because u asked nicely… I am transitioning.

Oh. Wow.

The artist didn’t delve into too much detail, or explain precisely what he means by “transitioning,” but the safe assumption is that he plans to live life as a woman in the near future.

Will this mean plastic surgery?

Gender reassignment surgery?

We’d just be speculating right now if we were to say.

Added Geiger, who appeared on the VH1 reality competition In Search of the Partridge Family in2004 and went on to release the 2006 album Underage Thinking:

I started talking about it with a couple of my close friends and family about a month ago and it’s given me the courage to start the process. I feel like the next step is to tell all y’all. So here goes. Love it or hate this is who i have been for a looooong time.

I love u guys. Talk sooooon byeeee.

The singer has a Top 40 single on his resume with 2006’s “For You I Will (Confidence).”

Geiger has also performed on Hilary Duff’s 2005 tour Still Most Wanted and appeared in the 2008 film The Rocker.

In recent years, his own singing career has taken a backseat to his songwriting career.

Geiger has penned a slew of major tracks for A-list acts, including the following singers/band and singles:

  • One Direction (“Where Do Broken Hearts Go”) 

  • Shawn Mendes (“Stitches,” “Treat You Better,” “Mercy,” “There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back”)

  • Maroon 5 (“Who I Am,” off the group’s upcoming album.)

We salute Geiger for taking this brave step.

We hope he finds happiness in living life as the person he truly believes himself to me.

Awhile back, of course, Caitlyn Jenner made major headlines when she made a similar transition.

Super producer Ryan Murphy, meanwhile, has announced that his next FX series (“Pose) will feature five transgender actors in series regular roles, the largest number to ever grace the screen in a scripted TV program.

It’s becoming far more socially acceptable for individuals in these situations to embrace their true selves and to talk about it openly in public.

Which is pretty refreshing, isn’t it?

Well done, Teddy Geiger. You keep doing you.


Friday, July 28, 2017

Richard Simmons Can"t Sue, Reputation Wasn"t Destroyed After Transitioning Story

Richard Simmons’ reputation wasn’t destroyed after a story ran he was transitioning to a woman and that’s why he can’t sue … so claims the National Enquirer. The Enquirer’s parent company — American Media — filed docs saying the fitness guru’s…


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Richard Simmons: I Am NOT Transitioning Into a Woman!

Despite the fact that his career peaked a couple decades ago, there’s been a great deal of speculation surrounding former fitness guru Richard Simmons in recent months.

We’re heard reports that Simmons is missing, and that his loved ones don’t hear from him for months at a time.

There have been claims that Simmons is transgender and secretly living as a woman.

Now, Simmons has filed suit against The National Enquirer and Radar Online for allegedly perpetuating untrue rumors about his lifestyle:

In a statement issued this week, lawyers for Simmons had this to say:

“Mr. Simmons, like every person in this nation, has a legal right to insist that he not be portrayed as someone he is not. Even the most ardent supporter of sexual autonomy and LGBTQ rights is entitled to be portrayed in a manner that is truthful.

The statement continues:

“It is to vindicate that right, and the rights of all persons to be portrayed with dignity and honesty with regard to their sexual identity, that Mr. Simmons files this lawsuit.”

Rather than backing down in their claims, however, the Enquirer and Radar have issued a joint statement defending their right to use information from trusted sources when reporting on the lives of public figures:

“For decades, Richard Simmons has used his outrageous behavior to build his brand and his bank account,” reads the statement, posted just moments ago.

“For Mr. Simmons to now claim that his privacy has been invaded is hypocritical when his entire livelihood is based upon the public consumption of his image.”

The outlets go on to argue that as a public figure, unusual developments in Simmons’ life are of natural interest to the general population:

“This is a legitimate news story that demands coverage,” their statement reads.

” It is the business of Radar and The National Enquirer — and has been for the past 90 years — to report on what goes on behind the closed doors of Hollywood.”

Radar and the Enquirer conclude by refuting Simmons’ claim that their reportage is in any way biased against members of the LGBT community, and to argue that 

“Moreover, Mr. Simmons is raising a false equivalency in suggesting that Radar and  The ENQUIRER’s coverage of gender identity somehow implies that the publication has a stance or position on this. We do not,” the outlets write.

“We will also aggressively pursue our ongoing investigation into his life and who is really behind this bizarre and meritless lawsuit.”

Clearly, this matter won’t be settled any time soon.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Caitlyn LIED to the Family About Transitioning

In her seemingly neverending interview with Howard Stern, Khloe Kardashian gave us the down-and-dirty deets about her cheatin’ husband Lamar Odom.

And now she’s spilling the beans on the person who managed to make more headlines last year than the Kardashians: Caitlyn Jenner.

Because what’s a little sh*t talk among family members?

Khloe says she felt betrayed by Caitlyn because she wasn’t forthcoming with the family about her transition before it happened.

“All these tabloids are coming out … we’re like ‘we could ask the source. You’re our dad, we’ll ask you,"” said said. 

And they did. But Caitlyn (then Bruce) kept telling them the rumors weren’t true.

In fact, she says E! producers knew before the family did – and that stung.

“Something happened where we were at a meeting with E! for something and they mentioned that Bruce was having a TV show about transitioning or something,” she said. That’s the first we heard of it.” 

That’s a pretty big bomb to drop on a business meeting with fam.

“We felt so like ‘what the fuck? We’ve been asking you and why do business people know?"” she explained.

“I never want someone to feel like they have one-up on our family. We are a family. We’ve never turned our backs on each other yet with all the clusterf**ks of sh*t that’s happened in our lives, why would we now?”

Clusterf**cks of sh*t? What a brilliant way to describe the lives of the Kardashenners! Hey, she said it.

Nevertheless, she was justifiably pissed.

Khloe recalled that at first, he would only want to talk to them about transitioning when the cameras were rolling.

“Maybe he felt like we couldn’t get as upset or whatever.”

She said all she wanted was her dad to be honest.

“I don’t give a fuck what you want to do – just stop lying to us about things,” she said. “Each sister had a different story because he couldn’t keep up.”

“We didn’t know when he was going to start fully dressing as Caitlyn,” she added.

In Caitlyn’s defense, coming out to your family as trans is probably one of the most difficult things a parent would ever have to do.

And there isn’t exactly a handbook on how to do it.

Plus, let’s be honest, ANYONE would be scared sh*tless around that family.