Showing posts with label Trysts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trysts. Show all posts

Friday, January 26, 2018

Porn Star Alana Evans Suggests Melania Trump Knows About Donald"s Trysts

Alana Evans isn’t shying away from the story about Donald Trump’s alleged tryst with fellow porn star Stormy Daniels back in 2006 … because she thinks it’s par for the course for guys like him. We got the porn Hall of Famer at the 34th AVN…


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Michael Jackson Lover Details Trysts with Singer, Swears He Wasn"t Asexual

Shana Mangatal has a lot to say about Michael Jackson.

And she swears it all comes from first-hand experience.

The 46-year old has penned a book titled “Michael and Me: The Untold Story of Michael Jackson’s Secret Romance” in which she attempts to end certain rumors about the artist’s private life.

Specifically, Mangatal says she knew Jackson intimately.

She claims she slept with him on numerous occasions and that the iconic singer was very strongly into women.

There has been chatter over the years, of course, regarding Jackson’s sexuality and whether he was actually attracted to the opposite gender.

Mangatal says she met MJ in 1988, shared her first kiss with him at the age of 26 and slept with him several times in the summer of 1996.

She also kept diaries of their experiences together.

“After he passed away, it was really difficult for me to look at his pictures, watch his music videos or even listen to his music, so I definitely couldn’t read those diaries, until about, I’d say, a year or two ago, when I finally got the strength to do it,” Mangatal says .

Jackson, of course, died in 2009 at the age of 50 from “acute propofol intoxication.”

Mangatal says her intent in publishing this book and including with it excerpts from her diary is so the public can think a “little bit differently about Michael and have a different perspective on him.”

For example?

“Anyone that I talk to, most of them believe that he was asexual, and I tell them no,” Mangatal explains.

“All you have to do is spend five minutes with him, and you know instantly that he was not asexual.

“He was quite the opposite, because he was extremely flirtatious – he was always flirting with me, at least. He could flip any conversation into something flirty.

“From the very first day that I met him [as a fan] at the afterparty for his concert in New York, he was flirting with me… And from then on, I knew that there was more to him than meets the eye, because it was clear that he loved the ladies.

“And he couldn’t hide it. Even if he tried to be child-like and innocent, he had that manly, macho thing in him that made him the flirtatious, sexy guy in real life.”

Jackson was also accused through the years of molestation.

Multiple lawsuits were brought against the singer that alleged he slept in the same bed as little children and touched them inappropriately.

Mangatal scoffs at this notion.

“When you were with Michael, and you saw him with kids, you saw the relationship, and it was just so pure and innocent,” she says.

“It was really a wonderful thing to see, because … he became like a kid when he was with them. He was like a peer to them. So it was never like he was this adult preying on the children.

“He was literally one of them. He loved playing what they loved to do, which was play video games, watch cartoons, talk about girls even.”

This is the second time Mangatal has spoken out against accusations that Jackson was a child molester.

She told Radar Online that numerous parents wanted their children to spend all this time with the legendary artist and he did not want to disappoint anybody.

“His problem was that he couldn’t say no to anybody – especially kids,” she said this spring.

“He was just so sweet and kind. He could never say no and when he finally did, parents would become upset.”

Shana Mangatal now works as an actress and talent manager.

Her book went on sale yesterday.

Along with these personal tidbit, she also writes that Jackson was a master in marketing.

When it came to his professional life, for example, Mangatal says Jackson was the person who came up with his nickname, the King of Pop.

He insisted that others refer to him that way at awards shows or on MTV for a very specific reason: branding.

Here is how Amazon describes her MJ-themed memoir:

During her seven years working for Michael’s personal manager during the prolific period of the 1990s, Shana witnessed the scandals and the lawsuits, the release of groundbreaking albums and the subsequent world tours, the making of big-budget short films, and the addictions.

It was through this business relationship that their trust and love for each other grew. Shana kept a meticulous diary throughout it all. Her story is rich with every little detail.

Will you purchase it?

Michael Jackson would have been 58 years old yesterday.