Showing posts with label Tube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tube. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2018

Babes In Tube Socks -- Guess Who!

Warm up in this weather by taking a note from these leg warming ladies! Step through our gallery of babes in tube socks, and see if you can guess the stars turning up the temps in the feetsy photos … best to keep some things covered up!


Friday, March 24, 2017

J.R. Smith"s Baby ... The Miracle Continues ... Breathing Tube Removed!

Big news for J.R. Smith and his family … their micro-preemie baby Dakota is thiiiis close to crossing the 3-pound mark and her breathing tube is out! 


J.R. Smith"s Baby ... The Miracle Continues ... Breathing Tube Removed!

Big news for J.R. Smith and his family … their micro-preemie baby Dakota is thiiiis close to crossing the 3-pound mark and her breathing tube is out! 


Friday, January 13, 2017

Guess Who This Tube Top Tot Turned Into!

Before this bubbly baby found her sense of style, she was just another giggly gal rockin’ a onesie in New York City. Can you guess who she is?


Guess Who This Tube Top Tot Turned Into!

Before this bubbly baby found her sense of style, she was just another giggly gal rockin’ a onesie in New York City. Can you guess who she is?


Monday, December 7, 2015

Val Kilmer Fitted With Tracheostomy Tube; Actor Reportedly Loses the Ability to Speak

Back in October, we reported that Val Kilmer had been hospitalized after undergoing an emergency procedure that may have saved his life.

Reps for Kilmer assured fans that there’s no cause for concern, but sources close to the acclaimed actor have maintained that his religious beliefs nearly cost him his life.

Several insiders claim Kilmer nearly died after refusing to seek treatment for a “grapefruit-sized” tumor in his throat. 

As a practicing Christian Scientist, he reportedly believed that the ailment could be treated with prayer, meditation and positive thinking.

However, it seems that while the emergency surgery may have saved Kilmer’s life, it also left the actor unable to speak and permanently dependent upon a breathing apparatus.

According to Radar Online, Kilmer was spotted with a tracheostomy tube while shopping at Trader Joe’s in Los Angeles today.

The device is the result of a tracheotomy procedure, which usually leaves the patient unable to speak on his own.

Kilmer may be able to express himself verbally using an electronic speech-synthesis device.

Reps actor are still refusing to respond to questions about his health, but it now seems that their initial claims that his tumor was benign were inaccurate.

Kilmer himself has only addressed the issue once, writing on Facebook that the rumors that he is “unwell” are “totally untrue.”


Friday, October 16, 2015

Lamar Odom Opens Eyes as Doctors Remove Breathing Tube

Lamar Odom has been fighting against the odds for his entire life.

His heroin addict father abandoned his family when Lamar was in grade school. His mother died of colon cancer when he was only 12. 

Despite growing up with no parents in in a rough part of Queens, NY, Lamar went on to be nationally recognized as the high school basketball player of the year in 1997.

From there he found success in college and the NBA, and went on to an unlikely second career as a reality star.

Now, it looks as though the 6’10” 35-year-old with the gift for elevating his teammates’ game may have one more miracle left in him.

After being found unconscious and declared brain dead earlier this week, Lamar has reportedly opened his eyes and begun breathing under his own power.

Radar Online is reporting that when doctors removed Odom’s breathing tube this morning, he responded in such a way as to give family and friends considerable cause for hope. 

“He opened his eyes around 10:30 a.m. PT and made a sound like a whisper,” says one insider.

Remarkably, it’s not the first time that Lamar has shown signs of life

Doctors say his heart is functioning much better than expected, and he squeezed Khloe Kardashian’s hand last night.

Obviously, he’s not out of the woods yet, but for a man who’s death seemed inevitable just 24 hours ago, this constitutes a stunning turnaround.

We’ll keep you updated on Lamar’s condition as more information becomes available.