Showing posts with label Vanessa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vanessa. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2018

Vanessa Trump Defends Donald Trump Jr."s Girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle

Back in March, Donald Trump Jr. and Vanessa Trump filed for divorce, confirming rumors that were circulating at that time.

Now, Don Jr. is dating Kimberly Guilfoyle. Yes, the Fox News host. Some have responded by allegedly demanding that the network fire her over a perceived conflict of interests.

And who, of all people, has stepped up to defend Guilfoyle? Vanessa Trump. Take a look:

There were apparently some people who think that it is improper for a journalist — or close enough — like Kimberly Guilfoyle to be dating the President’s son.

So some of these same individuals called for her to be fired from Fox News, citing that they believed that there may be a conflict of interests.

Vanessa Trump, of all people, is springing to Guilfoyle’s defense.

On Thursday, she took to Twitter to defend her ex’s girlfriend.

“The lengths people will go to attack a woman simply because she’s dating Don,” Vanessa tweeted.

Vanessa’s tweet continues: “We’ve been separated for over 9 months and respect each other’s decisions & privacy.”

They’re doing a better job of finding that balance than plenty of couples, celebrity and otherwise.

“We’ll focus on raising our great kids,” Vanessa writes.

Parents should always make their children their first priority, of course.

Finally, Vanessa concludes: “Would be nice if the press did the same rather than obsess over our [private] lives!”

Well, the private life of children is one thing. Children are blameless, no matter who their parents or grandparents might be.

The private life of the President’s adult son — when that son goes out and is seen as a surrogate for his father in international matters — is very much the public’s business.

But we certainly agree that Don Jr. dating Guilfoyle should not make the latter a target.

To Vanessa Trump’s further credit, she also did not repeat Don Jr.’s bizarre political rhetoric.

Sometimes, certain political factions try to parrot the other’s words. Some white men, like Don Jr. and others, are uncomfortable with phrases like “white privilege” and “male privelege.”

As a result, they try to insult their political opponents by following any word with “privilege,” regardless of context, in the hopes that it sticks.

It is, perhaps, a sad sign of how juvenile political discourse has become that the President’s own son’s tweets read this way so often.

But his side of the political aisle isn’t the only group to publish cringeworthy messages.

On Wednesday, Don Jr. called out a New York Daily News article that appeared to make a racist remark about Guilfoyle’s Colombian heritage.

Donald Trump Jr. cited a Breitbart headline: “Daily News Writer Tells Puerto Rican Kimberly Guilfoyle to ‘Pick Grapes."”

The line about how Guilfoyle was better off picking grapes than men, he believes, may have been racially insensitive or even a direct attack on Guilfoyle’s heritage.

The New York Daily News article was then updated to lack the line about grapes, and the author apologized on Twitter.

“Absolutely no idea that Kimberly Guilfoyle is half Puerto Rican,” Linda Stasi tweets. “And my column was in no way meant as a slur.”

“Nonetheless I will change that reference online,” she promises. “I’m just surprised anyone would have assumed such a stereotype b/c someone is half-Latina.”

(Full disclosure, it had never occurred to me that there was any stereotypical association there, either, but it’s good to listen when someone tells you that you’re being racially insensitive.

“So sorry for misunderstanding,” Lisa concludes.

Now … past all of the political discussions, does Kimberly Guilfoyle dating Don Jr. actually represent a conflict of interests?

On the one hand, no, because neither has direct power over the other and this relationship is not secret.

Anyone listening to Guilfoyle discuss Don Jr. and his family knows that she is dating him. Neither is, say, the other’s judge. Viewers are free to take her words with a grain of salt.

On the other hand, also no, because no reasonable person watches Fox News with the expectation that their coverage of the Trump family will in any way take a neutral tone.

Fox News has essentially taken to functioning as state-run media under the Trump Administration, just as fervently as it did under the Bush Administration.

Don Jr.’s sex life couldn’t make Fox News somehow more favorable to Trump. They’re already maxed out.

If you want to make fun of Kimberly Guilfoyle, don’t target her dating life. Target essentially everything that she’s ever said at her current job.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Vanessa Trump Cheated on Her Gang-Banger Boyfriend With Leonardo DiCaprio, Is Apparently Awesome

With the exception of Tiffany Trump – who we’re guessing was shipped off to begin life anew in a Moscow slum, a la Martha on The Americans – just about every member of the president’s extended family has spent the past two years under intense scrutiny.

Vanessa Trump has been of particular interest to the press in recent weeks, thanks to her increasingly contentious divorce from Donald Trump Jr.

Several Washington insiders have publicly praised the mother of five for reading the writing on the wall and jumping ship before the entire administration capsizes.

So what is it that makes this 40-year-old former model and child of privilege so much savvier than all the other Trump hangers-on?

Well, according to a new report from Page Six, Vanessa is no stranger to criminal enterprises.

An ex-con and former inmate of the Latin Kings street gang named Valentin Rivera has come forward to tell the tale of his five-year romance with Don Jr.’s bride.

He says the two of them met in grade school and reconnected while she was attending a $ 47,000-a-year prep school in Manhattan.

“She was fascinated. We were kids. She liked the street life at the time,” Rivera told Page Six.

Yes, it was a regular reverse-West Side Story, and Valentin had just met a girl named Vanessa.

Unfortunately, their relationship faced a major stumbling block when he was imprisoned for assault, first doing time at Rikers Island, then at a prison upstate.

“She was heartbroken that I was being taken away,” he said.

“The first time [she came to visit], she was upset — she cried a little bit — but after a while, we get used to things. She only came to visit me twice because her mother forbid her from coming to visit me.”

“I came home from juvie, then I met her again,

According to Rivera, he and Vanessa were more than just lovers – they were business partners.

Together, they would drive around in cars owned by her father – high-powered attorney Charles Haydon – delivering weed with a trunk full of unregistered weapons.

“If we got pulled over, the police would just let us go,” he said.

“She’ll give up Charles’s information. Car’s registered to Charles Haydon. They’ll just cut us loose.”

Unfortunately, this whirlwind romance came to an abrupt end when Rivera picked up a copy of the New York Post and read that Vanessa – now a 20-year-old model – was hooking up with Leonardo DiCaprio.

“She got into a couple of little catfights,” Rivera told us. “She was pretty jealous,” he said, “as far as other girls and stuff, she let it be known that I was her man.”

This is apparently a tendency that stuck with Vanessa into adulthood.

As Page Six points out, singer Aubrey O’Day says that when she was caught cheating with Don Jr., Vanessa “went a little gangster” on her.

“DiCaprio’s luscious love is 20-year-old fashion model Vanessa Haydon. The passionate pair have been inseparable over the past two weeks,” reads the article from May 1, 1998.

“I don’t think it’s a fling,” a source told the paper.

The important takeaway from all of this is that Vanessa Trump used to drive around delivering drugs and illegal guns for fun, but even she drew the line at whatever Don Jr.’s messed up in.

That seems like the kind of evidence Robert Mueller could present to a grand jury and just be like, “C’mon. Gimme the indictment.”


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Vanessa Trump to Aubrey O"Day: I Can F-ck My Husband Better Than You Can!

We have an update on the phone call Vanessa Trump allegedly placed to Aubrey O’Day back in 2012.

You remember that one, right?

The one we reported about back in March, which supposedly transpired after Trump learned O’Day had been sleeping with her husband and she literally called her out on the affair?

At the time, we quoted sources that said Vanessa Trump had her children on the phone, something that seemed a bit inappropriate and out of line.

However, we’ve now learned new information about this supposed phone call…

… and it’s even more stunning!

According to Page Six sources, Vanessa went full on “gangster” when confronting the former Danity Kane artist about the relationship she had with Donald Trump Jr.

Meaning what, exactly? Great question!

After discovering emails between her husband and O’Day, Vanessa dialed up Aubrey and “said some extremely unladylike things to her,” this outlet claims.

We don’t know the exact specifics, but the call “involved the usually demure Vanessa comparing her and childless O’Day’s bodies and sexual capabilities in violently graphic terms,” The New York Post writes here.

At the time of this affair, Vanessa and Donald Jr. had two kids together and Vanessa was pregnant with a third.

They now share five total children.

Based on what this insider alleges, we can only assume Vanessa was telling Aubrey that she can satisfy her man in bed better than O’Day can.

Which is great, you know? It’s important to have confidence in oneself.

But previous reports have claimed that the relationship between Donald Jr. and O’Day was not some lustful fling.

The stars supposedly talked about starting a family together.

Wrote Us Weekly at one point:

“Don told Aubrey he wanted to have a baby with her. They were trying for one.”

This would seem to imply that it didn’t matter back then whether Vanessa was more adventurous between the sheets than O’Day.

There were actual feelings involved between the singer and the son of the current President!

Of course, neither Donald Jr. nor O’Day has commented on this affair, which we heard took place between 2011 and 2012, around the time O’Day was a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice.

It ended, allegedly, after Donald Trump Sr. learned what was going on and told his son to cut it out.

A few days before news of the affair went viral, Vanessa and Donald Jr. announced the end of their marriage.

It wasn’t related to the O’Day romance, of course, considering the couple recovered from that infidelity and stayed together for nearly six more years.

This is what the couple said upon announcing its divorce:

After 12 years of marriage, we have decided to go our separate ways. We will always have tremendous respect for each other and our families.

We have five beautiful children together and they remain our top priority. We ask for your privacy during this time.

Did we also mention O’Day wrote a song about Trump?!?

Listen to it here:


daily-celebrities: Vanessa Morgan


Vanessa Morgan


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

daily-celebrities: Vanessa Morgan


Vanessa Morgan


Vanessa A. Williams Files to Divorce Husband Again

Vanessa A. Williams is giving divorce a second try — filing to split from her husband, 10 years after she first filed divorce docs … TMZ has learned. The “Melrose Place” and “New Jack City” star filed docs Monday in L.A. to divorce Andre Wiseman…


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Vanessa Morgan

Vanessa Morgan


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Vanessa Hudgens


Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens
