Showing posts with label Zucker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zucker. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Donald Trump -- Soap Star Arianne Zucker ..."Locker Room Banter" Doesn"t Cut It (VIDEO)

The soap star ogled by Donald Trump and Billy Bush on that “Access Hollywood” video says what the 2 guys did is textbook misogyny. Arianne Zucker said on “Today” she’s going to try and turn this into a positive, by showing her daughter how to react…


Monday, October 10, 2016

Arianne Zucker Slams Donald Trump, Responds to Video

Yet another participant in the notorious Donald Trump video has broken her silence.

On Friday afternoon, The Washington Post released footage from 2005 of Trump and Access Hollywood co-host Billy Bush on a bus, wearing microphones, and headed to the set of Days of Our Lives.

The real estate mogul was scheduled to film a cameo on the soap opera opposite actress Arianne Zucker.

In the disturbing video, the Republican Presidential nominee talked openly to Bush about attempting to sleep with a married woman (later identified as Nancy O’Dell), and kissing women and grabbing their genitals.

Then, just as the bus on which Bush and Trump were riding arrived at the set, Bush spotted Zucker waiting for their arrival.

Before the men exited the vehicle to meet the daytime drama star, Bush can be heard saying to Trump:

“Your girl’s hot as sh-t.”

Replied Trump:

“I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful … I just start kissing them.

“It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.”

This, of course, has become the most infamous line of the entire video.

After the footage went viral, Trump sort of apologized… while also defending his comments as “locker-room banter.”

He repeated this quite during the second Presidential debate on Sunday night and, when pressed by co-moderator Anderson Cooper, Trump denied that he had sexually assaulted any women.

Since the video footage surfaced, Bush and O’Dell has issued statements.

First, Bush:

Obviously I’m embarrassed and ashamed. It’s no excuse, but this happened eleven years ago – I was younger, less mature, and acted foolishly in playing along. I’m very sorry.

And then O’Dell:

Politics aside, I’m saddened that these comments still exist in our society at all. When I heard the comments yesterday, it was disappointing to hear such objectification of women.

The conversation needs to change because no female, no person, should be the subject of such crass comments, whether or not cameras are rolling.

Everyone deserves respect no matter the setting or gender. As a woman who has worked very hard to establish her career, and as a mom, I feel I must speak out with the hope that as a society we will always strive to be better.

And now Zucker.

She Tweeted the following on Sunday:

“My name is Arianne (R-E-on) ZUCKER (Zooker) and I am a strong, independent, hard working mother, business woman and partner to a great man.

“I have grown to learn that the words of others cannot effect the value of my self-worth or define the content of my character. How we treat one another, whether behind closed doors, locker rooms or face to face, should be done with kindness, dignity and respect.”

She added:

“Unfortunately, there are too many people in power who abuse their position and disregard these simple principles and are rewarded for it.

“In understanding the magnitude of this situation, I choose to stand tall with self-respect and use my voice to enrich, inspire and elevate the best of who we are as people.”

In the wake of this scandal, Bush has been suspended from The Today Show.

Trump has seen his poll numbers drop and many influential Republicans rescind their support for the candidate.

We’ll find out on November 8 whether he wins the election despite this footage.
