Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Kailyn Lowry SLAMS Farrah Abraham: There"s Nothing Good About Her!

On part two of the Teen Mom: OG reunion show that aired on Monday night, we saw yet another an ugly side of Farrah Abraham.

You might be one of the millions of fans who would argue that Farrah has nothing but ugly sides, and we would be inclined to agree.

And so would Kailyn Lowry …

In a recent interview, Farrah felt the need to sound off about Kailyn and Chelsea Houska for reasons that remain unclear.

Farrah doesn’t even appear on the same series as Kailyn and Chelsea (they star on Teen Mom 2), yet when the question of whether the franchise has resulted in an influx of adolescent girls getting pregnant, Farrah pointed the finger squarely at her MTV colleagues:

“I’m not OK with seeing women who are getting pregnant worried about being famous like Chelsea Houska, Kailyn Lowry,” Farrah told Real Mr. Housewife.

She could’ve pointed out that there’s actually been a decline in teen pregnancies in recent years, but why pass up the opportunity to throw people she barely knows under the bus?

Needless to say, Kailyn was less than pleased with Farrah’s baffling diss, and she made her opinion clear in an interview with the same outlet:

“Her exact words were that Chelsea and I got pregnant again for fame but Chelsea and I were both married and in our mid twenties,” an indignant Kailyn told Mr. Housewife.

“Farrah is out here doing pornos to stay relevant.”

Yeah, considering there’s really nothing unusual about married women in their twenties having kids, and Kailyn was already starring in a reality series when she got knocked up a second time, we’re not really sure what point Farrah was trying to make.

Awesomely, Kailyn didn’t stop there, and went on to discuss the Farrah Abraham sex tape, and the fact that the rest of the cast just generally can’t stand the mother of Sophia:

“Here’s the thing: the cast sometimes get into little arguments but most of the time they’re little and we apologize and move forward,” Kailyn said.

She continued:

“Overall, I think (I can only speak for myself) I try to be there for everyone and support everyone.

“The thing with Farrah is that she’s so negative all the time. She never has anything nice to say about anybody on the cast.”

As a parting shot, Kailyn added:

“I see her doing big things- I would love to be able to support her doing those things- but when she’s constantly slamming me in the media and saying things that are so out of left field, it’s hard to find any kind of good in her.

“Farrah is out here doing pornos to stay relevant.”

Oh, snap.

We know how much Farrah hates it when people call her “sex tape” a porn … and we’re sure Kailyn does, too.

If only these two could end up on a reunion show stage together,
