Thursday, December 15, 2016

Lisa Edelstein: Alan Thicke Died to Avoid Donald Trump!

Lisa Edelstein is a generally lovely woman, best known for her Bravo show, Girlfriends Guide to Divorce, and for playing Dr. Cuddy on House.

But today, she is known for being absolutely, unforgivably terrible.

As you’ve surely heard by now, Alan Thicke passed away on Tuesday afternoon after suffering a particularly intense heart attack.

He was playing hockey with his 19-year-old son, Carter, when he collapsed. An ambulance took him to a nearby hospital, and he was pronounced dead shortly after his arrival.

It’s been a very sad time — not only did his three children lose their father, not only did his wife of 11 years lose her husband, but we all lost a beloved celebrity.

Alan Thicke is gone from this world, it’s very upsetting … and enter Lisa Edelstein.

While tons of other celebs have been sharing their own memories and condolences and the like, Lisa thought it was appropriate to share this on Twitter:

Yes, she actually did type out the words “RIP Alan Thicke. Seems like everyone is checking out before the Trumpacolypse,” and then she thought those words were good to share with the internet right now.

Where do we even start?

While we gather our thoughts, let’s check out a few responses Lisa received on Twitter.

One person pointed out that “1) he was Canadian. 2) A family lost a husband and a father. This is NOT the time for politics.”

Another described Lisa’s words as a “Soulless Tweet By Morally Bankrupt C Class ‘Celebrity."”

“The man died in front of his 17yr old son a week before Christmas, but lol Trump right?” one sassy soul tweeted.

“I’ll be embarrassed for you since you clearly lack the capacity to absorb your own insensitivity. Gross.”

“Absolutely insensitive and unnecessary. Someone’s father, husband & grandfather died today. Do not politicise it.”

“Is that supposed to be clever? Geez, give your head a shake; TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE AND CALLOUS!”

“You should be ashamed using someone’s death as a political soapbox. No class. No respect.”

“Quick! Call HOUSE.. Somebody needs a sensitivity transplant!”

Boy, you really came through on this one, Internet.

Look, we get it. The fact that Donald Trump is all set to become our actual president is upsetting and confusing and scary. And it’s OK to be scared.

But there’s a time and place for everything. There’s a time to joke, and there’s a time to be respectful, and Lisa here seems to have a hard time understanding that right now.

Hopefully she’ll be able to understand the error of her tweets, and in the future, she won’t be so insensitive.

But right now … damn, Lisa, you really deserve this dragging.
