Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Teen Mom OG Reunion Recap: Farrah Abraham, Amber Portwood THROW DOWN!

On Teen Mom OG Season 3 Episode 17, some of the fab four sat down to discuss the pressing events from this season with Dr. Drew.

Soon enough, their parting shots became explosive on set.

Of course, the way they’ve become celebrities, you don’t have to watch Teen Mom OG online to know what happened ahead of time.

For weeks, we’ve heard rumors of the Farrah Abraham-Amber Portwood fight heard ‘round the studio, which the two coming to blows.

Monday night, we finally got to see the drama play out in full.

First, though, Ryan Edwards came out, and Dr. Drew asked him why he doesn’t work. The good doc wasn’t mincing words on this night.

When Maci backed Dr. Pinsky up, he asked what her job is exactly, and she replied that she runs two companies, thank you very much.

Valid claim or not, things quickly got emotional for Ry …

Asked about that infamous fight with his dad that got Ryan Edwards kicked out of the house, he began to cry on the stage. Maci did too.

As for her third pregnancy, Maci said she’s one of the few people who got pregnant in spite of using contraception, which she does.

Anyone buying what she’s selling?

Soon, Farrah Abraham came on to discuss her relationship with her parents, which she claims is improving lately with the help of therapy.

Her on-off BF Simon Saran came out next, telling Dr. Drew that they are just friends … and given their bickering, that’s probably fine.

Then it got ugly when Simon and Farrah laughed about how the former liked to poke fun at Amber Portwood and her fiancé, Matt Baier.

You know where this is going …

As they laughed about Simon calling Matt a pedophile, Amber came charging out on stage, cursing and trying to get all up in Farrah’s face.

Producers rushed to restrain her as the two reality stars traded barbs (verbally) and Portwood took a swing at Abraham. It was insane.

Then,Farrah’s parents came back out at the same time as Matt, who pushed Farrah’s dad onto the floor as the melee turned scary.

Farrah screamed that Amber and Matt are criminals; Amber said yes, she’s right about that … and you can say it to this felon’s face.

Wow. Amber and Matt were ultimately escorted off the set, at which point Dr. Drew commended Farrah for keeping her cool throughout.

She responded that she didn’t take Amber’s outburst personally, as she’s felt that her co-stars hate her for awhile and that’s their issue.

Farrah also said that Amber being mad about her recording Amber’s phone call a few months prior was “hilarious” for obvious reasons.

They’re both aware they’re on a show, right?

“I just let her be her,” Farrah said.

“I let her embarrass myself.”

Dr. Drew originally planned to bring all four OGs out for the last segment, but only got Maci, Catelynn and Amber in the wake of this.

Maci, for one, was furious that Farrah had been able to bash them while they weren’t there to defend themselves, so she tried to fix that.

First of all, Bookout claimed she had come in early to take Farrah’s filming spot because Abraham had a “bitch fit” and ended up leaving.

Echoing a theme we’ve heard before, Maci lamented that the other three girls conduct themselves with higher standards then the fourth.

Bookout said it just isn’t fair that she and the others work harder for the show, while Farrah does whatever she wants and still gets paid.

Someone’s a little bitter, clearly.

The three remaining Teen Mom OG stars then took off their mics and peaced the f–k out, leaving Dr. Drew alone with his studio audience.

He had no idea they were going to do that, he insisted, but that’s part of the appeal of the show, to capture the “reality” of their lives.

And ratings. Big, big ratings.
