Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Jana Duggar: Working Hard So Her Sisters Don"t Have To!

Jana Duggar didn’t earn the nickname the Cinderella Duggar because she has a talent for squeezing into glass slippers.

No, Jana was saddled with her fairytale sobriquet due to her well-known eagerness to bust her hump in order to make life easier for her parents and siblings (only one of whom is genuinely wicked).

Jana is now the only woman over 20 in her family who’s not married, and these days, even 19-year-old Joy-Anna is courting.

That means there are fewer and fewer female Duggars on hand to do the “woman’s work” on the family’s famous compound.

You might be thinking, Well, there are still like a dozen other kids and two grown-ass adults living there, right? Surely, they can all agree on some equitable division of labor.

And you would be right, but the problem is that you’re living in the 21st Century, where as the Duggars remain firmly rooted in a time before women were permitted to get jobs outside the home.

Their old school belief system dictates that certain tasks are to be left up to members of the fairer sex.

So things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating the homestead for the holiday season are primarily left up to Jana these days, as evidenced by this photo the family recently uploaded to Instagram:

Sure, the Duggars could afford an army of nannies and housekeepers but they just don’t roll like that.

To make matters worse, they believe childcare is a communal responsibility (to be divided among women only, of course) and the Duggar clan just keeps expanding.

Not only are Jana’s sisters and brother Josh all procreating like it’s their job (which we guess it kind of is), 

Recently, the Duggars added a 20th child to their brood after being granted primary custody of nephew Tyler Wayne Hutchins.

Naturally, many of the responsibilities of raising young Tyler will fall to Jana.

That is, unless she gets married, which she seems to have no intention of doing.

Jana is 26, which is approximately 47 million in Duggar woman years, but she’s in no rush to settle down with just anyone:

“There have been different guys who have come along and asked, but they haven’t been, I don’t know, the right one,” she recently told Radar Online.

“It can be tempting, like, ‘Oh, I really want to be married,’ because in those moments, your siblings that are married and have little ones are going on dates and doing their thing.

“It’s like this weird in-between stage. I’m not a younger one, but I’m not an older, married one with kids.”

You do you, and don’t succumb to the pressure, girl.

But also don’t waste your youth literally cleaning up your family’s messes, ya know?
