Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Drunk Teen Apologizes to GF on Every Network, App After Going Out

Like many guys across the world, Kieron Cameron was in the doghouse after going out partying instead of going home to his sick girlfriend.

Not everyone takes the Scotland teen"s apology game to this level, however.

Clearly, he felt bad about ditching Jodie Duncan, with whom he had promised a snuggly night in, in order to celebrate his friend"s birthday.

According to the Daily Mail, once he realized the error of his ways, he went ALL OUT to find out if she was angry … and rectify the situation.

Jodie, fortunately, saw the humor in this and quickly forgave him, but not before sharing his exploits (below) on Twitter, where they went viral.

Sure, he may have been humiliated, but give him an A for apologetic effort:

1. Meet Jodie and Kieron

Meet jodie and kieron

Jodie, 16, and Cameron, 18, sure are a cute couple, aren’t they?

2. When He Ditched Her, Though …

When he ditched her though

Kieron was going to stay at home with Jodie on Saturday night because she was feeling sick … but instead went out to celebrate a friend’s birthday and returned a little the worse for wear. She was not happy. He knew it.

3. R U Angry at Me?

R u angry at me

Wondering this age-old question, he called … and tried to FaceTime her. And texted her. And tweeted at her, and …

4. No, Srsly, R U?!

No srsly r u

… and hit her up on Snapchat, and Facebook Messenger, and Instagram, and Whats App. Guilty conscience, much!?

5. Please Accept This Gift Card via Email!

Please accept this gift card via email

The message attached to this MAC cosmetics gift card he bought her, and sent to her via email, hilariously, is the same: R U Angry at Me?

6. Her Followers LOVED IT

Her followers loved it

Jodie, who says she wasn’t really mad, couldn’t stay even a little bit mad after this … but she did post his efforts on Twitter with the caption: “When your boyfriend comes home drunk when you’re meant to be “staying in” together.” He has now gone viral, with more than 29,000 retweets and 85,000 likes!

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