Thursday, February 23, 2017

Sinead O"Connor To Arsenio Hall: I"m Sorry! Please Don"t Sue Me!

Sinead O’Connor has a knack for speaking her mind. 

Unfortunately for her, that’s getting her in a lot of trouble.

Somehow, she always seems to have something to say about any event that’s going on in the media. 

Whether she’s being a little too forward with the likes of Miley Cyrus or claiming that Arsenio Hall supplied Prince with drugs before his death, she’s keeping people up to speed with her thoughts. 

However, the controversial singer has now backtracked on the comments she made about Arsenio Hall.

Shortly after Prince’s death in April 2016, O’Connor took to Facebook with a bizarre rant. 

That rant about Hall also included O’Connor slipping her a mickey several years before. 

O’Connor’s post reads:

“Two words for the DEA investigating where prince got his drugs over the decades…. Arsenio Hall (AKA Prince’s and Eddie Murphy’s bitch)

“Anyone imagining prince was not a long time hard drug user is living in cloud cuckoo land.

“Arsenio I’ve reported you to the Carver County Sherrif’s office. Expect their call.

“They are aware you spiked me years ago at Eddie murphy’s house. You best get tidying your man cave.”

Naturally, Arsenio responded with a $ 5 million lawsuit against the singer. 

However, that was not the end of it. O’Connor then wrote up a 1400 word tirade against Hall. 

Yes, it was crazy. It all came out of nowhere, so people did question the motives surrounding it. 

It seems that Sinead knows she was in the wrong because she’s started an apology tour towards Hall. 

Yes, she actually apologized!

Arsenio and Sinead tell TMZ in a joint statement, “Sinead has retracted and apologized for statements she made about Arsenio last year, which prompted his defamation lawsuit against her.”

Sinead did seem remorseful for her comments. 

“I apologize for my Facebook posts about Arsenio to the extent that anyone thought I was accusing him of acting as Prince’s drug dealer and supplying him with illegal hard drugs, or insinuating that Arsenio had something to do with Prince’s death.”

“I sincerely apologize because those statements would be false, and I retract them unequivocally.”

Hopefully, this will help Sinead think about her comments before posting them in future. 

It seems like the feud is now over and both stars can move on with their lives without the stress of a lawsuit. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!
