Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Scott Disick: Kicked Out of the House By Kourtney Kardashian!

Scott Disick had no home to return to when he arrived back in L.A. from his booze-filled Miami bender this week, according to reports.

After the stunt The Lord just pulled, he shouldn’t be all that surprised – nor should he expect all that much sympathy from the masses.

Insiders say Kourtney Kardashian has thrown him out of the house not even 24 hours after he returned from a South Florida sojourn.

Do we even need to explain her reasoning here?

The father to Kardashian’s three children, Mason, 6, Penelope, 4, and Reign, 1, is back to his old ways once again, to no one’s surprise.

Things had been going so well between the couple, too, with some insiders believing a full-blown reconciliation was here, or imminent.

So much for that. What a difference a week makes.

After a rumored argument which some believe resulted in Kourtney dumping Scott in Costa Rica, he up and left her family’s vacation.

In epic fashion.

After Disick bolted for Miami, he was spotted hooking up with another woman … and spotted with another woman after that.

Soon came the all-too-familiar reports of The Lord partying himself to death, which precipitated the duo’s breakup in 2015.

The good news for Scott is that he did not literally party himself to death in Miami. Dude made it back to L.A. in one piece.

After the way he peaced out of Costa Rica and likely scored a side piece or several in Florida, though, Kourtney is furious.

“Kourtney told Scott that she doesn’t want anything to do with him right now,” an insider said. “She wouldn’t even let him in their house.”

“It is just a total mess right now.” 

Looks as if Scott is once again persona non grata at the mansion that couple shared with their growing brood in Calabasas, Calif.

He’s not happy about it, either.

“Scott flipped out and he told her that all he wanted was to see the kids,” said the source, but his baby mama’s response was blunt.

“So Kourtney told him that he should have thought about that while he was getting wasted and hooking up with practically all of Miami!”

We weren’t there for whatever led to the Costa Rican feud that preceded his departure, but Kardashian, 37, makes a valid point here.

Can he expect much else after such public debauchery, and having wormed his way back into her good graces after similar incidents?

In what some believe was a passive-aggressive dig at Scott, Kourtney recently posted this adorable photo of herself with her daughter.

In the caption, she wrote regarding Penelope, and presumably herself, “You’ll be her first role model. Her best friend. Her first love.”

A sweet and true statement regardless of what’s going on with Disick, but pretty easy to interpret that as a slap in the face after this.

Don’t expect Scott to be totally iced out, in any case. If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online this spring, he’ll be on it.

He is still under contract with producers, including Kris Jenner, who knows Disick drives ratings – and who Scott knows can help him.

“Just like he did last time he relapsed,” the source revealed, Scott will likely use Kris to bridge the widening gulf with his longtime partner.

Will it work? We’d say 50-50 at best.

According to reports, Scott is indeed filming, but rather than bringing him closer together with Kourtney, it’s just making her more upset.

Says a show insider:

“Kourtney and Kris had it out because Kris is allowing Scott to continue filming. She knows that their messy fights are great for ratings.”

Stay tuned.
