Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Chris Brown Admits He"s a Stalker in Terrifying Instagram Confession

Hey, so you know that thing that Chris Brown does where he"s a terrible human being?

Well, he"s at it again!

To recap, in case you"ve somehow managed to block out any and all information about Chris Brown for the past decade or so, Chris has quite the temper.

We found out about it, of course, when he viciously assaulted his then-girlfriend, Rihanna, in 2009.

Since then, he"s been arrested numerous times, he"s been accused of assault numerous times, and he"s flown into violent rages and destroyed property numerous times.

He"s not a catch, no matter how good he is at dancing.

And Chris is proving that all over again with this new Instagram video, which, fair warning, is filled with expletives and also genuinely upsetting.

In the video, which is directed at the "ladies," he says that women complain when guys are "being, like, stalkers and in love with y"all, kinda crazy and sh-t."

But, as Chris freely admits, he"s one of those crazy stalker guys.

"If I love you, bitch, ain"t nobody gonna have you," he says. "I"m gonna make you miserable."

Look, the most innocuous of men could make the same video and it would raise up about a billion red flags.

But all this coming from Chris Brown, convicted woman beater?

It"s scary. It"s real scary.

Check out Chris" admission in the video below:

Chris brown admits hes a stalker in terrifying instagram confess