Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Mischa Barton Thanks Fans for the Love After Being Drugged

So far, 2017 is a scary time, full of anxiety and uncertainty and so many bad things.

But we do know one thing for sure, and that is that Mischa Barton has not been having a good time.

Last Thursday, Mischa was with some friends, partying for her birthday.

She had a few drinks, as one tends to do on one’s birthday, and everything was well and good.

For a while, anyway.

Later in the night, Mischa started having a bit of a meltdown outside her West Hollywood apartment. She started screaming things that didn’t make much sense, things about her mother being a witch and the end of the world.

She was hanging over a fence as she did all this, and at one point she fell off, yelling “Oh my God, it’s over! I feel it, and it’s angry!”

And, of course, one of Mischa’s lovely friends filmed all this and handed the footage over to TMZ.

Things got so bad that night that the police were called, and Mischa was taken to a hospital for a mental evaluation.

It was all so sad and scary, but the next day, Mischa gave a statement about what had happened. And, as it turns out, the real story is sad and scary as well, just in a different way.

“One the evening of the 25th,” she explained in the statement, “I went out with a group of friends to celebrate my birthday.”

“While having drinks, I realized that something was not right as my behavior was becoming erratic and continued to intensify over the next several hours.”

“I voluntarily went to get professional help,” she continued, “and I was informed by their staff that I had been given GHB. After an overnight stay, I am home and doing well.”

“I would like to extend a big thanks of gratitude to the professionals at Cedars-Sinai for their great care of professionalism.”

“This is a lesson to all young women out there,” she concluded. “Be aware of your surroundings.”

As you can see, in her statement, she thanked the people at the hospital who cared for her in what had to be a terrifying time.

And now, after a few days have gone by, she’s thanking her fans for their unwavering support.

Yesterday she tweeted “Thank you so much for all the love guys. It means the world to me. There is too much going on in the world so I appreciate this more than ever.”

“From the bottom of my heart,” she added. “We shall over come.”

And believe it or not, Mischa does have an extremely solid fanbase — the replies on that tweet are filled with love and support and nothing but nice things.

Literally, nothing but nice things. Not a single bit of negativity in sight.

Congrats on those great fans, Mischa, and best wishes on this whole mess moving forward.
