Thursday, February 23, 2017

Donald Trump Impeachment: Is It Already in the Works?

From the moment the Donald Trump was sworn in as 45th President of the United States, his opponents (read: the majority of Americans) began looking forward to the day when the Donald would be unceremoniously removed from office.

Even historically right-leaning pundits have confessed that they have a hard time imagining a scenario under which Trump will last a full term in the White House.

Vegas casinos have been offering Trump impeachment odds since before the inauguration – and these days the numbers send a clear message:

It seems almost inevitable that Congress will bring charges against Trump at some point in the next four years.

To be clear: 

In order for you to cash in on an impeachment wager, Trump doesn’t actually have to be removed from office.

Two presidents have been impeached – Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998 – but both were acquitted by the Senate.

Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 before the House could vote on his impeachment. 

Needless to say, impeachments (and even the threat of impeachment) are few and far between.

Bringing charges of misconduct against a sitting president is considered the ultimate in extreme measures, and it’s difficult for the opposing party to make a convincing case that the commander-in-chief is unfit to serve.

That said, the White House has never seen an occupant quite like President Trump before.

From allegations that Trump colluded with Russia to the many potential conflicts of interest presented by Trump’s business interests, the possibilities for misconduct charges are so plentiful that it seems the best the president can hope for is that his opponents will find it difficult to focus on just one.

Unfortunately for Team Trump, the developments of the past 24 hours seem to indicate that impeachment is all but a foregone conclusion, and it seems the 

During last night’s DNC chair debates, Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota floated the idea that Democrats should pursue charges against Trump as soon as possible.

“Donald Trump has already done a number of things which legitimately raise the question of impeachment,” Ellison told the audience.

Within the same 24-hour period, Richmond, California became the first U.S. city to officially call for Trump’s impeachment following a vote by the city council.

In an official statement, Councilmember Jael Myrick stated that he hopes other cities will follow suit.

All of this comes on the heels of a scathing essay published by Time magazine, in which legal scholars James C. Nelson and John Bonifaz argue that there’s already sufficient cause to begin impeachment proceedings:

“Where Trump runs afoul of the foreign-emoluments clause is that, first and foremost, he is a businessman with significant financial interests and governmental entanglements all over the globe,” the pair wrote.

“Moreover, Trump’s business dealings are veiled in complicated corporate technicalities and lack transparency.”

Trump has often boasted that he’s one of the world’s foremost financial minds.

It seems now would be a good time to prove his prowess and foreknowledge by placing a bet against himself before his odds in Vegas get any worse.
