Thursday, February 16, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Slammed By Fans Negligent Parenting

Kailyn Lowry has a lot on her plate these days.

In addition to her on-camera duties as one of the stars of Teen Mom 2, Kailyn has a book to promote; she’s a full-time college student; and the bulk of the hosting duties for this season’s live after-shows have fallen to her and Leah Messer, as Jenelle Evans and Chelsea Houska both have infants at home.

Despite all of that, however, it seems Kail is looking to fill up her schedule even more – and now some fans are wondering if she’s making sufficient time for her two sons.

Last night, Kailyn asked her Twitter followers if she should embark on a book tour to promote her memoir, Hustle & Heart.

While most were in favor of the idea, several expressed concerns about Kailyn giving her kids and her education short shrift due to her many professional commitments.

“The thing is she’ll be gone from her kids even more now just to have an extra buck in her pocket poor kids

“Don’t you have school to finish? Or is the book tour your chance to delay graduation again?”

Kail clapped back to the latter comment, tweeting:

“Ever heard of the weekend?”

Hey, it’s her life and she can manage her days however she pleases, but this must be the first time that we’ve ever heard a working single mom who’s enrolled in college classes boast about how much free time she has on weekends.

Obviously, accusing Teen Mom stars of negligent parenting has long been a favorite activity on Teen Mom Twitter, and the cast has complained about it repeatedly.

Kail’s kids seem well-adjusted, and she appears to have a strong support network, but it is difficult to imagine she could spread herself this thin and still devote herself fully to each of her endeavors.

Lowry might be getting annoyed by having to respond to the skeptical fans on social media, but at least there’s a bright side to the controversy over her hectic schedule:

It should overshadow all the rumors about Kailyn being pregnant with her third child.

That’s kind of a silver lining, right?

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to see Kailyn go H.A.M. on the daily.

But if you’re tempted to tweet time management suggestions, maybe hold off for a bit.

She seems to be getting a lot of that these days.
