Monday, February 27, 2017

Farrah Abraham and Amber Portwood: See Their UNCENSORED Fight!

Oh, what a treat this is! What an unexpected, unbelievably trashy treat.

Because hey, remember back in December when the Teen Mom OG reunion special aired?

It was pretty standard — or at least it was until Farrah Abraham said that Amber Portwood"s boyfriend, Matt Baier, looks like a pedophile.

Amber stormed the stage, trying to fight Farrah. She hurled insult after insult at her, and she even threw a punch at her, but (unfortunately?) it missed.

Crew members stormed the stage to pull Amber away from Farrah, at one point Matt got physical with Farrah"s father, Michael.

It was a mess. A glorious mess.

But while it was fun to watch, it was a little difficult to watch too, because Amber was really letting loose with the curse words. It was kind of hard to understand what she was saying, MTV had to bleep her out so much.

And that"s where this new video comes in.

MTV has released the uncensored video of the fight, so that now we can hear exactly what Amber says to take Farrah down.

If you thought the fight had a Jerry Springer vibe to it before, then this new version is going to blow you away.

Check out epic fight in the video below:

Farrah abraham and amber portwood see their uncensored fight