Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Lindsay Lohan: I"m a Victim of Racial Profiling!

Now that Lindsay Lohan has gone from coke to #woke, she’s pursuing the life of an attention-starved, self-congratulatory humanitarian with the same reckless abandon she applied to consuming all of the world’s uppers.

We suppose it’s a step in the direction, as in her new lifestyle, there’s a chance LiLo might help someone who’s not a dealer, but she clearly wants to go from 0 to Jolie overnight, and she hasn’t put in the due diligence.

Lindsay’s lack of research has already led her into situations where she might be unwittingly spying for the Turkish government

One would think she might have learned her lesson from that little international incident in the making, but apparently not.

Lindsay is still sounding off on topics of which she has little understanding, and her misguided attempts at becoming an international peacekeeper are usually innocuously funny (see: her Lisa Frank notebook-worthy poem about ISIS), but they could end up doing real harm.

Lindsay appeared on Good Morning Britain today, because apparently the people who still give a sh-t what Lindsay Lohan have all migrated to the U.K., and Piers Morgan is one of them.

Lindsay claims she was racially profiled in at JFK airport, because she doesn’t understand what the word “racial” means.

In case you’ve recently eaten and can’t stomach Lindsay’s fake accent or the sight of the blathering albino bullfrog that is Piers Morgan, here’s what Linds had to say about her experience as an oppressed minority:

“When I was flying to New York recently I was wearing a headscarf and I got stopped at the airport and was racially profiled for the first time in my life.

“[The agent] opened my passport and saw Lindsay Lohan and started apologizing but said, ‘Take off your headscarf.’ I mean, it’s OK. But what scared me was that moment, how would another woman who doesn’t feel comfortable taking off her headscarf feel?

“That was really interesting to me. I was kind of in shock. It was strange… I’m from New York, born and raised. I was a little intimidated.”

When pressed about why she wears a headscarf if she’s not converting to Islam, Lindsay confusingly claims it wasn’t a religious thing at all, and she was just “covering up” in the style of Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly.

Yes, because nothing makes you more inconspicuous in Donald Trump’s America than dressing in what appears to be Muslim garb in a New York airport.

Here’s the thing:

Even if Lindsay were singled out because of her faith, it wouldn’t be racial profiling, it would be Muslim profiling, which is a real and frightening issue, and one that Lindsay undermines by claiming she’s a victim because she had an 8-second eschange with a TSA agent.

We hate the “actors should stick to acting” argument, but we believe all public figures should inform themselves before speaking publicly on important issues.

We’re not sure what Lindsay’s endgame is here, but she’s certainly not making anything better or easier for Muslims in America, and she needs to take a few dozen seats until she’s better informed on the issue.

Also, she can’t really stick to acting, because, well … when was the last time you saw her acting in something?
