Monday, February 6, 2017

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle: Engaged?!

It’s only been about three months since we first learned that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are dating, but it seems the couple is wasting no time in getting serious.

In fact, for weeks now, we’ve been hearing rumors that Harry and Meghan are engaged.

Normally, the idea of any royal moving so quickly in a new relationship would be absurd, but this seems to be a special case…

Radar Online is reporting today that Meghan was spotted wearing an engagement ring while out and about in London.

According to the site, the ring was nothing fancy, just a simple gold band.

Interestingly, however, it was engraved with a letter “H.”

So what does it all mean?

Probably nothing – but possibly everything.

In most cases, a royal engagement ring is an extravagant, eye-catching piece, but Harry and Meghan have been so non-traditional up to this point that we wouldn’t be surprised if they went with something simple and borderline hokey.

Perhaps Meghan wears the ring as a reminder that she and Harry are committed to one another, but she keeps it simple so as to avoid too much attention from the press.

Unfortunately for MegMar, she’s in British tabloid territory now, and nothing she does will go unnoticed for the rest of her days.

Gone are the days of basic cable obscurity when only the elderly and unemployed knew her name.

Now, Meg has been pegged as a future royal, which means her every move is subject to scrutiny.

Amazingly, she and Harry still haven’t made their official debut as a couple.

That’s scheduled to happen at Pippa Middleton’s wedding on May 20.

Yes, that means that even if they’re not engaged now, there’s still a very good chance that these two will be engaged before they officially come out as a couple.

Looks like Meghan won’t be waiting around like Kate did for so many years.

Of course, if she thinks the British press’ obsession with her personal life is bad now, just wait until Harry officially puts a ring on it.

She may wind up longing for the simpler days when she was just a regular on Suits.

Usually that’s a longing reserved for people who are currently working for tips and memorizing lunch specials.
