Thursday, February 9, 2017

Johnny Depp: So Broke He Had to Fire His Agent?

Johnny Depp has been having a rough time lately. 

His divorce from Amber Heard made headlines for months; his movie career – once one of the most lucrative in the industry – has produced one middling semi-hit (2015’s Black Mass) in the past 6 years, and now his desperate financial situation is the talk of Tabloid Town.

Some sources are going so far as to say that Depp is completely broke, and as difficult as that might be to believe given the number of box office smashes under his belt and the fact that he anchors (yar-har-har) a five-film ongoing Disney franchise, there’s reason to believe that there may be some truth behind the rumors.

For starters, the reports of Depp’s destitution come not from the pages of some glassy checkout-line rag but from legal documents filed by his former management firm, TMG.

Depp sued the group for mismanaging his funds and they immediately filed countersuit claiming that it’s Johnny’s fault all his Captain Jack booty has been plundered by creditors.

So where did all of Depp’s money go?

Well, appropriately, he blew a large chunk of it on the purchase of a small Bahamian island.

The rest, it seems, was squandered on a number of eccentric expenses befitting Tim Burton’s BFF.

According to the court docs, Depp bought antique cars he never drove and spent an astonishing $ 30,000 a month just on wine.

Add to that the maintenance of his multiple mansions and the $ 7 million settlement with Heard (plus whatever the divorce cost him in legal fees) and it’s not hard to see how Depp ended up in his current situation.

No actually, it is still hard to understand, considering he’s reportedly raked in nearly half a billion from the Pirates films alone.

Despite that, TMG says they warned him repeatedly that he was spending his way into the poorhouse.

“Depp lived an ultra-extravagant lifestyle that often knowingly cost Depp in excess of $ 2 million per month to maintain, which he simply could not afford,” claims attorney Michael Kump.

Now, it seems Depp’s financial panic is so bad that it’s seriously affecting his career.

Back in October, Depp fired his agent, UTA’s Tracey Jacobs, whom he’d been with for nearly 30 years.

The move was originally attributed to Depp’s frustration with the direction of his career, but now, Page Six is claiming that Depp simply couldn’t afford her services any longer.

Depp jumped over to CAA, where he’s rumored to have worked out a lower commission.

We hope none of this will interfere with that long-awaited Mortdecai sequel.
