Friday, February 3, 2017

Jessa Duggar Talks Pregnancy: I"m Past My Due Date!

When we first learned that Jessa Duggar is pregnant with her second child, the reality star kept fans in the dark with regard to her conception and due dates.

As time went on, she shared pregnancy updates via social media, but she continued to keep certain key details to herself.

Now, for the first time, Jessa is opening up about her due date – and fans might be surprised to learn it’s already passed.

Jessa posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“Due date has come and gone… guess babe just wants to hang out in there for a bit longer!”

Yes, it seems Jessa was expected to give birth on February 1.

Now, we suppose she and husband Ben Seewald are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their second child, which could come at any moment. 

Many fans have offered words of encouragement, with many reminding Jessa that the calculation of due dates is far from an exact science:

“‘Due dates’ are something Doctors came up with to benefit their schedules,” wrote one Instagram follower, adding:

“Babies do not have a time limit – I prefer to say I have a ‘due time of the year’ (example..Fall, Spring).”

So we now know about when Jessa and Ben conceived their child, and with how open she’s been in recent weeks, we think it’s safe to say we’ll know when she gives birth, but a handful of mysteries remain.

Ben and Jessa have given nothing away in terms of what they plan to name the child.

In fact, they have yet to reveal if they’re having a boy or a girl.

The Duggars have all guessed at the gender, and most seem convinced that she’ll be having a girl, but that seems to be based on little aside from the fact that Jessa’s first baby was a boy.

As for the name, it’s possible that Jessa and Ben are waiting to meet their forthcoming bundle of joy before they choose an appropriate moniker.

In one of her few interviews on the topic, Jessa told People magazine:

“We’ve only had one or two conversations about it, so we need to get on it!” Jessa says.

“We did this last time and procrastinated. Our son was 5 days old before we had it officially nailed down!”

Whatever they choose, it seems unlikely that they’ll be able to top “Spurgeon” in terms of, um … quirkiness.
