Friday, February 10, 2017

The Bachelor: Did Nick Viall Give Away the Winner?

Warning: The Bachelor spoilers await if you continue reading this post, so if you wish to remain blissfully in the dark, turn back now.

We good? Good. Alright, now, down to business.

While Nick Viall still has a long way to go in his journey for love, some eagle-eyed fans believe he’s already telegraphed the ending …

As you know if you watch The Bachelor, Corinne Olympios (above) as dominated the show and the conversation about it this winter.

For good reason, a lot of people have assumed Corinne is The Bachelor winner, and she certainly appears to be “Corinne it to win it.”

But that may be giving her too much credit.

It’s another one of Nick Viall’s favorites generating buzz today, this time because of a small but telling sign from The Bachelor himself.

Nick has been regularly wearing a bracelet he and Vanessa Grimaldi wore on their zero gravity date … whether he’s with her or not.

It was cute for them to wear the same bracelet during their date, and we didn’t think much of that. But he’s continued to do so since!

According to fans who picked up on this, it’s a sure fire sign that Vanessa is his favorite and will eventually leave with the final rose.

Will that ease fans’ increasing concerns a little?

On this week’s episode of The Bachelor, Nick cried as he shared his fears about possibly not finding the one by the end of the season.

After two full seasons of The Bachelorette and one season of Bachelor in Paradise that didn’t work out, we realize that he has doubts.

Still, Nick seems to be cracking under the pressure a bit as the weeks go by, and the whole Corinne aspect doesn’t bode well either.

Even contenders such as Vanessa Grimaldi and Raven Gates have been visibly put off, to the point where it may rub off on him too.

All we’re saying is the bracelet represents hope.

The cute bilingual special education teacher from Canada had Nick captivated from the get-go, even if others stole a bit of her thunder.

While plenty of women have formed strong connections with the man of the hour, Vanessa quietly become one of his favorites early .

She’s gorgeous, but that’s just a start. Not one to brag about her “platinum vagine” a la Corinne, Grimaldi charms with her mind as well.

What a concept on reality TV, right? 2.

A native of Montreal, Quebec, she learned French and English in school, while is 100 percent Italian and grew up speaking that as well.

Family is “very important” to her, too. “I respect my family’s opinions as they usually are right in the end,” she said in a recent interview.

Did we mention she’s gorgeous?

Vanessa Grimaldi has an IMDB page, interestingly.

Having landed some small-time acting roles in Being Human, Blue Mountain State and Ascension, she’s clearly not averse to cameras.

She’s co-hosted GameLoft podcasts and videos, and was nominated for The Bachelor by a friend – whom she told she was hoping for Nick.

Grimaldi felt like the “stars aligned” when she learned that Viall was in fact that star of this season, and perhaps that will prove correct.

A hopeless romantic, Vanessa said the best gift she’s ever received is a promise ring, which is totally something Nick would give out.

Don’t tell us you can’t picture it, come on.

She also doesn’t hold back, which Nick loves, even if he’s the recipient of her tough love (or constructive criticism, you could call it).

“Are you looking for a wife? Or you looking for someone to f—k around with?” Vanessa famously asked him in a recent episode.

Time will tell what his answer will be.
