Friday, February 10, 2017

Ariel Winter: Look at My Butt and Douchey Boyfriend!

If you follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, you’re probably aware that the girl isn’t shy when it comes to posting racy selfies.

And if you don’t follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, what have you been doing with your life?!

Anyway, these days Winter is dating Levi Meaden, and not surprisingly he’s a frequent presence on her social media  – a development that some fans are less than pleased with.

You see, Levi has been accused of having a quality about him that he probably thinks of as rebellious, but that sometimes comes across as a bit – what’s the word? – douche-riffic.

At first, we were quick to forgive his macho posturing (flipping off the camera, striking Zoolander-esque soulful poses) as the behavior of a teen with a world of growing up to do.

Then we did a little research and learned that Levi is 29.

Yes, dude is a full decade older than Ariel (who turned 19 less than two weeks ago), but he’s still acting like the bad guy in an ’80s high school movie. Or is he?

Not surprisingly, fans have been quick to call on Mr. Meaden (which is what we’ll now be calling him after realizing he’s a few months shy of 30) to dial back the antics:

“With all the hate going on in this country, I cannot condone pictures with middle fingers,” wrote one follower.

“Flipping off the camera? He’s so cool!” commented another.

“Smells like desperation,” argued another fan.

The thing is, as far as we can tell – that’s not Ariel’s boyfriend?

Granted, they have similar bro-stylings, but let’s not all dog pile on Levi for the actions of come other dude’s finger!

Instead, let’s hate on him for having regular access to Ariel’s awesome boobs.

No one that lucky can be a good person, right?

We call it the Tom Brady Principle.

Obviously, we’re joking. 

Levi is probably an okay guy, and we shouldn’t rag on him because some unrelated d-bag thinks flipping off the camera makes him look cool.

Besides, anyone who’s seen Ariel’s butt knows that Levi’s hands are probably always occupied  – but butt touching.

It’s the “if the glove don’t fit, you must acquit” of the 21st Century.

We rest our case.
