Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Plotting to Get Pregnant?

As previously reported, Khloe Kardashian is dead set on becoming a mom.

She has vowed to become a parent by the end of this calendar year, which will soon be a pretty major challenge… unless she were to get pregnant in the very near future.

With so many nieces and nephews running around, Kardashian is “going baby crazy,” a source mentioned to Radar Online last month.

But the reality star is running into an issue with her potential pregnancy, and it’s a pretty significant one:

Boyfriend Tristan Thompson won’t have sex with her.

As we learned in eighth grade health class, the fertilization of an egg by sperm via sexual intercourse is typically the way in which a fetus forms in a woman’s womb.

So if you take away the intercourse, it becomes very challenging to get pregnant.

But not impossible!

“Khloe’s in the process of freezing her eggs,” a source tells Radar Online, hinting that Khloe is open to In Vitro Fertilization.

(Known in shorthand as IVF, this is a medical procedure whereby an egg is fertilized by sperm in a test tube or elsewhere outside the body.)

Why would she take this sort of step? Why would Khloe not wait to become a mother by more natural means?

It largely has to due with timing and circumstances.

Back on December 12, Thompson’s ex-girlfriend, Jordy Craig, gave birth to the basketball player’s baby, a son named Prince.

In the wake of this development, “Khloe knows pushing him to get her pregnant will have him running for the hills, especially so soon after Jordy had his kid,” according to this same Radar insider.

So Khloe doesn’t want to push her man in a direction he may not want to go right now.

But she’s 32 years old and has been told in the past that she may have trouble conceiving. Hence this step she is allegedly ready to take.

“She’s playing it safe and putting her eggs away for safekeeping until Tristan is ready to put his partying behind him and become a dad,” Radar writes.

Of course, there is another option for Khloe if she wants a child before Thompson (who is only 25 years old) is ready.

She could break up with him and get with another lover. We all know Lamar Odom is desperately attempting to win Khloe back.

But this same insider says there’s no such possibility running through Kardashian’s head.

“She’s certain [Thompson is] the one, so she’s willing to wait, at least for a bit,” the report concludes.

Do you want to see Khloe get pregnant? Do you think she’d make a good mother? Sound off below!
