Showing posts with label Plotting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plotting. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Travis Scott: Plotting to Propose on Kylie Jenner"s 21st Birthday!

Last week, Kylie and Travis tried to bury breakup rumors by sharing some PDA. And it worked!

They’re still together. And now a report says that Travis is gearing up to ask Kylie to marry him — on her upcoming birthday, no less.

If you want to land a woman who is soon to be the world’s youngest self-made billionaire, you have to do it right. Take a look at what he has planned.

HollywoodLife reports that Travis Scott is planning to propose to Kylie on the day that she turns 21.

“Travis wants to put together a huge marriage proposal to Kylie,” the source reports.

The insider goes on to add that Travis wants to do this “for her birthday.”

Kylie will turn 21 on August 10. Which is in just a week and a half, folks.

“He is thinking of getting on his knee,” the source dishes. “To surprise her by asking to marry him with a huge ring for 21st birthday.”

“He loves Kylie with his whole heart,” the insider adds.

Well, considering that they’ve been dating for over a year and also have a baby together, we’d sure hope so.

“And,” the source continues. “Having a baby with her has only brought them closer together.”

That can definitely happen sometimes, for a variety of reasons — from bonding over creating a new human to a sense of obligation.

Because of all of this, he wants to make things official with Kylie with an engagement.

Travis apparently has a specific plan.

“He wants to use her milestone birthday as a chance to celebrate their love,” the insider says.

Well, 21 is one of the biggest milestones in life.

And, arguably, the last good birthday milestone that anyone will ever experience.

It makes sense that Travis might want to pick that date as a day on which to propose.

(Also, that means that he cuts down his chances of forgetting their engagement anniversary and her birthday)

Of course, if you’re going to propose to Kylie Jenner, you need more than just love in your heart or whatever.

“Travis has been shopping around for a big diamond,” the source reports.

Oh, yeah. He’d definitely need to pick something over-the-top for Kylie.

The insider shares that “he is determined to impress her with something really massive.”

Good. Many people get the feeling that Kylie might be a size queen (about rings!).

Apparently, Travis has reached out to another man who wormed his way into the heart of a Kardashian.

“He even asked Kanye for some advice,” the insider reports.

The source goes on to say that Travis specifically asked Kanye “about buying the perfect ring and how to propose.”

Sometimes, people are way too nervous for do what feels right to work as an answer. They need to be coached by someone who’s been through it.

The insider says: “Travis thinks Kylie deserves something massive and outrageous to symbolize their love.”

It sounds like he’s on the right track, then.

That said … we’re always leery when someone’s plan for a proposal leaks. Those are usually kept pretty tightly under wraps, right?

Besides, if this was Travis’ plan, he might have to change it now that this story is out there.

Kylie may exist in a celebrity bubble, but there’s a decent chance that she might see any report about her that pops up.

So let’s hope that this doesn’t spoil the big surprise. If there is one.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Plotting Revenge on Teen Mom OG Cast?!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Farrah Abraham has been fired from Teen Mom OG after refusing to give in to producers’ demands that she stop performing in live sex shows.

There was a time when it was nearly impossible to imagine the show without its number one source of drama, but at this point, the Farrah firing is a done deal.

It was announced this week that Mackenzie McKee will replace Farrah as the show’s fourth cast member.

To further drive the nail in the coffin of her career, Farrah is suing her former employers for $ 5 million dollars, claiming that she was unfairly discriminated against and wrongfully terminated.

And now, it looks as though the situation is getting even uglier ahead of the TMOG reunion show taping set for this weekend.

In a recent interview with Us Weekly, Farrah revealed that she will not be in attendance at the taping:

“MTV is not allowing me to attend the reunion, and my dad won’t attend if I don’t go. I can’t speak for my mom,” she revealed to the tabloid.

That doesn’t mean, however, that Team Abraham will not be represented.

According to Us, MTV is hoping that Farrah’s parents, Michael Abraham and Debra Danielsen, will stop by the taping to offer their two cents.

But it seems Farrah has different ideas.

The Ashley’s Reality Roundup is reporting today that Farrah will have some spies in attendance at the reunion.

It’s been widely rumored that Farrah is plotting to sabotage the show in an effort to take revenge on the showrunners and cast members who she feels did her wrong.

Unfortunately for fans of off-camera drama, it seems Ms. Abraham doesn’t have anything quite that nefarious in mind.

“Farrah obviously won’t be there but someone she knows is going to attend the reunion, just to see what is said,” a source tells The Ashley.

“They’re just going to take it in, not to start any trouble or anything. The person is planning to stay under the radar.”

The source adds that Farrah’s reps will offer her a full report on the proceedings, but will not interfere with the taping:

“It’s all in good fun,” the source says, “nothing malicious.”

Watch Teen Mom OG online to relive Farrah’s long and ridiculous history on the show.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Scott Peterson: Was He Plotting to Murder Amber Frey, Too?!

Despite the grisly details of Laci Peterson’s murder and Scott Peterson’s conviction and death sentence, there are still a few people out there who believe that Scott Peterson is innocent.

(The comments that we got the last time that we wrote about this are evidence enough of the enduring controversy)

We wonder what his defenders will think of the news that Scott Peterson allegedly planned to murder his mistress, too. …


So, to those of you who may have forgotten, Amber Frey was Scott Peterson’s mistress.

She also testified against him in court.

Even if you didn’t pay attention at the time of the trial or you were too young to have really been exposed to the coverage, you probably recognize Amber’s name.

(And, not for nothing, but “Amber Frey” is one of the best names that we have ever heard, ever, in our lives. But maybe don’t go naming your kids that)

It sounds like Amber might have never gotten the chance to testify if Scott Peterson hadn’t been apprehended while allegedly trying to flee south of the border.

Scott Peterson looked completely different when he was captured.

Law enforcement believed that he had disguised himself in order to flee to Mexico and avoid his trial.

He didn’t make it, and now he sits on death row for the murder of Laci Peterson.

Laci Peterson was 8 months pregnant. Their child would have been a son named Connor.

His fetus was actually found before Laci’s body; investigators believe that the fetus had slipped out of her body while in the water.

Laci’s body was also missing most or all of various limbs, along with her head. After such a massive search, it was a … grim find.

Scott was convicted, but it sounds like might have done more than just escape if he hadn’t been caught.

According to RadarOnline, Scott Peterson was in possession of a map to Amber Frey’s home.

Why, you might ask, would Scott need a map to the home of his mistress?

Some apparently believe that he was planning to murder Amber Frey, too.

You might wonder what Scott Peterson’s possible motive might have been.

But you should remember that Scott Peterson had apparently claimed, weeks before his wife’s death, that he was a recent widower and that this Christmas would be his first without his wife.

An absurd lie to tell, even if, at the time, he wasn’t planning Laci’s murder but simply trying to get a little sympathy.

But after his wife’s death, one wonders if Scott ever thought about his past words and how they might be used against him.

Unfortunately, we don’t know for certain why Scott Peterson might have had that map.

We also don’t know even the exact cause of death behind Laci Peterson’s murder.

Scott Peterson, despite everything, has maintained his innocence, even as he sits on death row, waiting for his lethal injection.

Understandably, Scott would have little to gain from confessing now.

And, as we’ve mentioned, he still has some avid supporters who believe that police jumped to conclusions.

Hey, O.J. Simpson still has people who believe that he was framed. That’s just how people are.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Plotting Her Own Spin-off to Make Her Kids Stars?

Remember when Kim Kardashian and Beyonce were on friendly terms?

Those were simpler times.

Well it looks like Kim is determined to upstage Beyonce. This time, her weapon of choice will be … her own unborn child. And Kim’s surrogate is already several months along.

So, as you know, Kim Kardashian and Kanye want to have another baby.

Some suggest that this Kimye baby is a play to repair their fractured relationship.

(But if two young children aren’t enough to keep them together, a third sure isn’t going to do the job)

Beyonce’s famous photo with her twins is one of the most iconic images of 2017.

Both before and since then, however, Beyonce and Jay-Z have mostly kept Sir and Rumi out of the spotlight.

It looks like Kim’s next step in her feud with the musical power couple is to do … sort of the opposite.

RadarOnline reports that Kim Kardashian has designs to push her child into the spotlight from the moment of their birth.

(Actually, RadarOnline also reports that Kim’s surrogate is pregnant with Kim and Kanye’s twins, but we absolutely cannot confirm that — though, if true, that is tremendously exciting)

Apparently, Kim Kardashian has been unhappy watching Beyonce enjoy the spotlight with her twins.

Her alleged plan to counter this?

By putting children and their entire life on television.

The claim is that Kim Kardashian is in talks with multiple networks to create a series titled: Meet The Wests that would follow her family around, including her children but also her future newborn.

Kim would then act as a momager, managing the careers of North, Saint, and her unborn child (RadarOnline reports that Kim has already decided on the names of the twins).

There are allegedly multiple reasons behind this:

First of all, Kim and Kanye have reportedly been having problems and there’s a hope that the “project” of creating a show as a family could bring them all together.

This would apparently allow them to maximize the star potential of all of their children.

And, of course, the merchandising and branding that goes with it.

(It sounds like Kim is once again cutting into Kylie’s business, right? Because Kylie has Life of Kylie, now)

And, of course, it might give Kim the opportunity to edge out whatever competition she might see in Beyonce’s children and Beyonce’s family.

Gosh, we hope that this isn’t true.

Sure, it would be all kinds of entertaining, and we love North to pieces.

It’s because of that love, actually, that we don’t want to see her and her siblings pushed into the spotlight any more than they already have been at their tender young ages.

Kim shouldn’t want it, either.

Despite claims tot he contrary, Kim Kardashian doesn’t endanger her children or whatever. She’s actually a pretty good mom.

Kylie became mega-famous when she was, what, a tween?

Look how she’s turned out — whining on reality television about how her dating life makes her depressed or something.

Can you honestly say that Kim should want her children to be reality stars on this level at such a young age? That her unborn child should enter this world on camera and never know privacy?



Wednesday, July 26, 2017

O.J. Simpson: Plotting Revenge Against ... Kim Kardashian?!

Unless you’ve tuned out the news entirely due to the events of the past nine months, you’re probably aware that O.J. Simpson was granted parole last week.

Yes, the Juice will soon be loose after serving nine years in prison on robbery charges.

A lengthy bid, to be sure, but O.J. got off pretty easy when you consider he totally allegedly murdered two people.

Anyway, O.J. was sentenced to an astonishing 33 years, and some folks believed he’d never live to see his release date.

But now, Simpson is soon to be a free man once again, and many who were once close to the former NFL star/probable double murderer are understandably a bit worried.

Among the concerned parties are several members of the Kardashian clan.

The family was once close with O.J. but the relationship was damaged irreparably by that whole “him almost certainly killing two people” thing.

We learned earlier this week that Kris and Caitlyn Jenner are “terrified” by the news of O.J.’s impending release.

And now it seems they may not be alone in their totally justified fear of a seriously scary dude.

Radar Online has spoken with a former cellmate of Simpson’s named Vernon Nelson, and based on the ex-con’s claims, Kim Kardashian may want to double down on her security detail.

It seems O.J. is quite displeased with Kim for comments she made on Keeping Up With the Kardashians implying that he’s guilty of the murders of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson.

“Simpson griped, ‘I always treated Kim with respect. I don’t know why she would dog me out, but I guess she will do anything to promote their reality show.’” Nelson wrote in an email interview with the site.

The former inmate also claims that Simpson blasted Kim with “very powerful and serious” insults that “made the hairs on my arm stand up!”

Ominously, when Nelson asked Simpson if he had a message for those on the outside who he felt had wronged him, the former football star seethed:

“Tell them to expect me like they’re expecting Jesus to come back because I’m coming!” 

We’re no biblical scholars, but we’re pretty sure Jesus didn’t come back, like, to stab everyone.

Thankfully, it’s unlikely that the 70-year-old Simpson would ever be able to get anywhere near the heavily-guarded Kim, but still.

Scary stuff for a woman who’s already been through a lot in the past year.


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Plotting to Get Pregnant?

As previously reported, Khloe Kardashian is dead set on becoming a mom.

She has vowed to become a parent by the end of this calendar year, which will soon be a pretty major challenge… unless she were to get pregnant in the very near future.

With so many nieces and nephews running around, Kardashian is “going baby crazy,” a source mentioned to Radar Online last month.

But the reality star is running into an issue with her potential pregnancy, and it’s a pretty significant one:

Boyfriend Tristan Thompson won’t have sex with her.

As we learned in eighth grade health class, the fertilization of an egg by sperm via sexual intercourse is typically the way in which a fetus forms in a woman’s womb.

So if you take away the intercourse, it becomes very challenging to get pregnant.

But not impossible!

“Khloe’s in the process of freezing her eggs,” a source tells Radar Online, hinting that Khloe is open to In Vitro Fertilization.

(Known in shorthand as IVF, this is a medical procedure whereby an egg is fertilized by sperm in a test tube or elsewhere outside the body.)

Why would she take this sort of step? Why would Khloe not wait to become a mother by more natural means?

It largely has to due with timing and circumstances.

Back on December 12, Thompson’s ex-girlfriend, Jordy Craig, gave birth to the basketball player’s baby, a son named Prince.

In the wake of this development, “Khloe knows pushing him to get her pregnant will have him running for the hills, especially so soon after Jordy had his kid,” according to this same Radar insider.

So Khloe doesn’t want to push her man in a direction he may not want to go right now.

But she’s 32 years old and has been told in the past that she may have trouble conceiving. Hence this step she is allegedly ready to take.

“She’s playing it safe and putting her eggs away for safekeeping until Tristan is ready to put his partying behind him and become a dad,” Radar writes.

Of course, there is another option for Khloe if she wants a child before Thompson (who is only 25 years old) is ready.

She could break up with him and get with another lover. We all know Lamar Odom is desperately attempting to win Khloe back.

But this same insider says there’s no such possibility running through Kardashian’s head.

“She’s certain [Thompson is] the one, so she’s willing to wait, at least for a bit,” the report concludes.

Do you want to see Khloe get pregnant? Do you think she’d make a good mother? Sound off below!


Thursday, July 28, 2016

Miranda Lambert: Plotting Revenge on Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani?!

They say revenge is a dish best served cold.

If it weren’t for the fact that it totally mangles the metaphor and basically makes no damn sense at all, we would amend that to “revenge is a dish best served piping hot on the cover of a tabloid!”

That’s the new issue of Life & Style, and as you can see, Miranda is plotting some sort of vengeance against her ex and the new woman in his life.

Cue dramatic music and this dude:

Dramatic Chipmunk GIF

And how will she have her revenge, you ask?

Sugar in their gas tanks?

Ordering a dozen pizzas to their house every day for the rest of their lives?

Launching a competing ska/pop band called Uncertainty?

The possibilities are endless, but it seems that Miranda subscribes to the theory that the best revenge is living well.

(Is it just us, or there a lot quotes about revenge?)

A source tells L&S that the rumors about Miranda being pregnant with Anderson East’s baby are 100% true, and she now feels that she’s “outdone her ex and his new love when it comes to romance, career, fans and, in the biggest bombshell of all, baby news,” 

Interesting fact: revenge babies grow up to be the most well-adjusted members of society.

Okay, we might’ve made that up.

While it’s certainly true that Lambert’s latest single is a hit, it would be tough to argue that she’s more popular or beloved by fans than Blake or Gwen.

But the source says she’s spot-on in her belief that it would drive Shelton nuts if she got knocked up by East:

“If [Miranda Lambert] starts a family with another man, it would have to make Blake’s blood boil,” claimed the source.

“His greatest wish was to have a baby with Miranda during their relationship. But now it’s Anderson by her side, and Miranda is thriving like never before. For Miranda, it’s the ultimate revenge at last.”

Meanwhile, it seems Shelton has yet to propose to Stefani for the simple reason that they’re relationship isn’t all smooth sailing these days.

“Blake and Gwen seem to be struggling on so many fronts. It really is a sweet revenge,” says the insider.

Somewhere, Miranda is stroking a cat and cackling like a Bond villain.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Kim Kardashian, Kanye West: Plotting to End Kylie Jenner & Tyga Relationship?!

Last month, Kylie Jenner and Tyga broke up and almost immediately got back together.

While millions of young fans rejoiced at the reconciliation, there are many who reportedly wish the controversial couple had stayed broken up – including several members of Kylie’s family:

Sources say Kanye West has encouraged Kylie to dump Tyga, and now he’s got a powerful ally on his side in the fight to end Kyga for good.

Kanye and Kim Kardashian have joined forces and are reportedly doing everything in their power to convince Kylie to breakup with Tyga.

Granted, their powers are pretty limited, and all they can really do is try to make Kylie realize that Tyga is just an opportunistic loser, but insiders say they’re building a pretty strong case.

No one outside of the Kardashian-Jenner inner circle is 100% sure of what Tyga did to to piss Kylie off this time around, but whatever his transgression, it was bad enough that the entire family has turned against him.

Right now, it seems that Kylie is basically staying with Tyga as an act of defiance, and Kim and Kanye may soon change tacks and attempt to convince the 26-year-old rapper to leave of his own accord.

Sources say Kanye has information that could seriously humiliate Tyga, and he’s threatened to release it if Tyga doesn’t jump ship.

Yes, whatever the information is, it’s apparently more embarrassing than being a 26-year-old father who’s dating an 18-year-old recent high school grad.