Thursday, February 2, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Quit Paying Attention to Beyonce and Look at Me!

So hey, you know that thing about Beyonce and how she’s currently pregnant with twins?

Of course you do. It’s probably all you’ve been able to think about since you heard the news.

You’ve been trying to come up with baby names, trying to figure out what genders those babies will be, trying to figure out if there’s a way you can switch places with one of them.

It’s all totally normal, trust us.

But, as hard as it may be to understand, there’s one person on this planet that may not be over the moon about those bey-beys.

And that person is Kim Kardashian.

According to an insider who spoke with Radar, “Kim was shocked at the Beyonce news and she was totally checking it out and seeing how many people liked the post.”

“Then when her friend Chrissy Teigen started tweeting that she was best friends with Beyonce, she was actually hurt and worried.”

Yeah, in case you missed it, Chrissy hilariously tweeted “Congrats to my best friend Beyonce I love you so much” after she heard the news.

So apparently Kim is like an 11-year-old girl who can’t handle it if her friends have other friends?

Makes sense.

Anyway, Kim has been rumored to have this bizarre little rivalry with Beyonce ever since she got with Kanye. We’ve heard so many times about how Kim’s tried and tried to be close with Beyonce, since, at one time Kanye and Jay Z were super tight.

It never worked, obviously, and it left Kim with some bad blood. And that’s apparently why she tweeted up a storm yesterday.

“She thinks she’s a bigger star than Beyonce,” the source claimed. “She is the biggest star in the world.”

Oh, OK.

Kim tried to get some attention back by announcing a new update to her hit mobile game, but that didn’t work.

She then announced that she plans on starting a book club with her best friend (hers, not Beyonce’s) Chrissy Teigen, and that got some people interested, but not nearly enough to steal Beyonce’s thunder.

And Kim was displeased.

“While everyone was tweeting and sending congratulations to Beyonce and Jay Z,” the source continued, “Kim and Kanye did not say one word about it on their social media.”

“The fact that Beyonce is going to have more kids than Kim once her twins are born absolutely drives Kim nuts!”

“Kim was totally trying to steal Beyonce’s baby thunder yesterday,” this dear source muses.

But if you thought Kim Kardashian would just lie down and let some other person get the attention that is rightfully hers, you better think again.

“Kim is going to try harder than ever right now to get pregnant because she is constantly searching for a way to one up Beyonce,” claims the insider.

“She seems so jealous that Beyonce is more famous than she is. It doesn’t seem like Kim will ever be okay with that.”

So, uh … Kim, honey?

Beyonce will always be more famous than you. Now, in the future, and for the rest of all time.

Be the bigger woman, OK, doll?
