Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Kaley Cuoco Celebrates 1-Year Anniversary With Karl Cook

Back in March of 2016, we learned that Kaley Cuoco and Karl Cook are dating via a post on Kaley’s Instagram page.

At first, the revelation was dismissed as a premature April Fools’ joke, as the pair seemed almost comically well-matched.

They’re both blonde equestrians, and their names are so similar you can’t really fault the folks who thought Karl’s was made up.

(They have the same initials, of course, and Cuoco means “cook” in Italian.)

Now, however, we realize that Kaley and Karl are the real deal …

… and apparently they didn’t keep their relationship on the down-low for very long.

Yesterday, Kaley and Karl not only celebrated Valentine’s Day, but also their first anniversary as a couple.

Kaley posted the pic below to mark the occasion:

She captioned it:

“Every day since we’ve met has been better than Valentines Day … Happy 1 year my [heart emoji].”

A nice sentiment, and a reassuring sign to Kaley’s fans, as she’s made it clear in the past that she’s one of those people who isn’t happy unless she’s in a relationship.

Shortly after getting dumped by Henry Cavill, Kaley married Ryan Sweeting after just a few months of dating.

It ended about as well as you would expect.

Kaley and Ryan got divorced in September of 2015 for reasons that still aren’t entirely clear.

They were married less than two years, and the actress made no effort to conceal the fact that she was devastated by the split.

She bounced around with a few rebound guys, and fans feared she’d once again rush into a disastrous match.

Fortunately, by the time she found Karl, enough time had elapsed, that we’re willing to believe this is a legitimate relationship that’s not the result of a blind need to be with someone.

These days, Kaley’s love life seems to be of greater interest to fans than her acting career (which we suppose makes sense, as The Big Bang Theory is currently in its 47,000th season), so naturally folks are still drumming up “cause for concern.”

The main issue seems to be that Karl is significantly younger than Kaley, but even the biggest naysayers don’t see that as something that should be a deal breaker.

Besides, if she could ignore all the red flags that surrounded Sweeting, this girl can definitely make it work with a guy so well-suited to her that the Internet initially thought he was made up.
