Thursday, March 9, 2017

Kendall Jenner: See Her (Possibly Surgical) Transformation!

The Kendall Jenner of yesterday does not look a whole lot like the Kendall Jenner of today.

And we mean that almost literally.

Has she had plastic surgery? Botox? Fillers? Lip injections?

Did the Kardashians finally share some of their pouty-lipped, big-bootied magic with her?

It"s hard to say, but looking through pictures of Kendall through the years, the change is undeniable …

1. Baby Kendall

Baby kendall

Here’s little five-year-old Kendall with her parents and little sis Kylie. We’re not saying she had any plastic surgery at this point, we’re just pointing out that this is what the girl is working with. Also, how adorable!

2. 2008 Kendall

2008 kendall

Here’s Kendall with Kylie in 2008, when she was 12. This is just at the beginning of her fame — classic little Kendall, right?

3. 2009 Kendall

2009 kendall

Oh, the wonders of puberty! From 2008 to 2009, Kendall obviously had a huge growth spurt — and she’s starting to look more like the long-legged model she is these days.

4. 2010 Kendall

2010 kendall

14 years old, can you believe it! Note the shape of her face, all those little features … because they’re about to change.

5. 2011 Kendall

2011 kendall

So tall! So thin! So lovely!

6. 2012 Kendall

2012 kendall

Is that a feather in her hair? It’s 2012, what do you think?

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