Saturday, March 18, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Under Fire AGAIN for Bad Parenting!

Serious question: is Farrah Abraham even capable of making a solid parenting decision?

Because at this point, it’s really, really not looking like it.

Farrah’s daughter, little Sophia, just turned 8, and most of those 8 years were spent with Farrah in the spotlight.

And in all that time, Farrah’s made poor choice after poor choice. She’s dropped Sophia off with her own parents for extended periods of time so that she could live in Florida or film sex tapes or whatever other whim that seemed important to her.

She’s slathered the poor kid in makeup, made her a business owner at the tender age of 7, spoiled her absolutely rotten at every possible turn.

Honestly, we can’t think of one single occasion on which we went “Wow, Farrah, way to be a good mother.”

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that when this girl posted this particular photo of her daughter, people promptly freaked out.

See the issue?

If you’re struggling, try looking down towards the bottom — it looks like Sophia is wearing heels.

And that’s … well, it’s not the most popular of choices.

“Growing children shouldn’t wear heels,” one of her followers advised. “It’s bad for the spine.”

Another agreed, saying “My boss, a chiropractor, would have a fit. Even tells me heels are bad for adults.”

Well, yeah … that’s not exactly new information, is it? High heels are terrible for everyone. A person can literally ruin her feet if she wears them enough.

It does look like Sophia’s heels could be platforms though, or at least a really chunky heel, but as one person argues, “No child should be wearing heels of any kind.”

And the heels weren’t the only issue people found with this photo — some people found Sophia’s outfit too mature for a little girl, and one noted that it looks like the kid is “starving.”

Since the photo was obviously taken at Farrah’s furniture store, one person wrote “Aww glad Sophia is spending time being a kid….helping her mom sell stuff.”

Farrah just can’t win, can she?

But perhaps that’s just because she’s not trying very hard, Or, you know, at all.
