Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Beyonce: Look Away! I"m So Fat!

Beyonce has not been seen in public very often over the past few weeks.

Since the Grammy Awards, in fact, it’s almost as if the singer has gone into hiding.

Because she’s tired as a result of her pregnancy? Because she wants to rest as much as possible before twin babies take over her life?

Pishaw! Of course not, according to a new Radar Online report!

It’s because Beyonce is embarrassed about her enormous figure. D’uh!

“She is just not happy about how much weight she’s gained and does not want anyone to see her like this,” a source close to the artist hilariously tells the website.

This sounds a lot more like the way Kim Kardashian would think than the way Beyonce would think, but hey.

We didn’t expect the singer to announce she was pregnant with twins last month, either, so we guess you never know when it comes to mega superstars such as Queen Bey.

For years, an anxious public speculated on when Beyonce and Jay Z would provide little Blue Ivy with a sibling.

We figured it may have taken so long due to fertility issues. Or maybe because these are two of the busiest celebrities around.

Or perhaps those marital struggles were legitimate and the couple wanted to wait until it was on stable ground before committing to another round of co-parenting.

But nope.

It all comes back to how large Beyonce’s belly has become apparently.

“This is why she didn’t want more kids for so long in the first place!” Radar writes.

Shortly after making her bombshell pregnancy announcement, Beyonce performed at the Grammys.

For nine incredible minutes.

Relive the inspiring, gorgeous, artistic set below:

After that, Bey and Jay sat front row at the NBA All-Star Game in New Orleans.

They actually kept up a pretty steady stream of public appearances, prior to a doctor ordering Beyonce NOT to perform at Coachella.

This marked a turning point for the star, at which point it’s true that she’s stepped far away from the spotlight.

But that’s most likely because she’s nearing her due date and she has two small human beings inside of her womb.

She has to put their health above all else.

As for the state of Beyonce and Jay Z’s marriage? 

There’s a reason we haven’t been inundated with much tabloid divorce chatter of late.

The prospect of an expanded family has re-energized the couple.

Radar quotes an insider who says the stars are doing better than ever, relationship-wise.

This pregnancy has brought Beyonce and Jay Z so much closer together and he is just glowing every time he talks about her,” says the source, concluding:

“They are both really excited for the twins and these kids will be extremely lucky babies.”’

We can’t wait to meet the babies!
