Friday, March 10, 2017

18 Stars Who Admittedly Adore The Bachelor

The Bachelor may be a guilty pleasure. But these stars admit that they love the show.

Can you blame them?!?

1. Kaley Cuoco

Kaley cuoco has fun

Kaley Cuoco loves The Bachelor. But she has made it very clear, via multiple public statements, that she especially loves Ben Higgins.

2. John Mayer

John mayer eyes closed

Said the singer to Ellen DeGeneres in 2012: “I don’t even feel like it’s my fault for liking it. It’s not a guilty pleasure. It’s designed to be a pleasure.

3. Amanda Seyfried

Amanda seyfried bikini pic

Amanda Seyfried kept up closely with Juan Pablo Galavis via Twitter. “I hope Clare wins so they can learn English together. #bachelor,” she write in February 2014. “Chris Klein for The Bachelor. #unironicSuggestion

4. Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer aniston baby bump photograph

Jennifer Aniston admitted in 2011 that she finds The Bachelor “fascinating,” adding: “I was mesmerized by how these girls, they meet this guy, they have three dates together or something, and they’re weeping as though they’ve just lost the love of their life. I don’t understand that.”

5. Andrew Garfield

Andrew garfield red carpet pic

Andrew Garfield has a thing for… Sean Lowe? “If I met him, I’d be like, ‘Oh my god, it’s Sean Lowe!” the star said in 2013.

6. Lea Michele

Lea michele in black

Lea Michele also has a thing for Sean Lowe. In March 2013, she said: “Prior to this season, I had never watched The Bachelor before. But oh my god I am so sucked into it.”

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