Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Kate Gosselin: INSANE Rules For Kids" Visits With Jon Revealed!

We’re used to finding out that Kate Gosselin subjects her kids to ridiculous rules and borderline abusive disciplinary actions.

And we’re used to finding out that she despises her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin, with the sort of passionate intensity usually found only in comic book villains.

But it’s nice to know that despite all her years of cruelty and severe emotional instability Kate hasn’t lost her ability to surprise us with just how bonkers she truly is.

The latest news of Kate’s troubling behavior comes from a new report published by In Touch Weekly.

A source close to Kate tells the magazine that the Gosselin children are “are prisoners in their own home.”

The anonymous tipster goes on to detail some of the bizarre rules that Kate uses to keep her children under her thumb:

“Kate says no clothing or belongings can be brought from her house to Jon’s house, so the kids arrive for visitation [at Jon’s] in their school uniforms and change into clothes Jon has for them when they get to his house,” the insider explains. 

“Then they put their uniforms back on before head­ing to their mom’s house.”

Not surprisingly, Kate doesn’t want her kids carrying devices that can transmit and receive messages (or take incriminating photos and video), so she takes a Kim Jong-Un-like stance on communication devices:

“So after they visit with their dad, she lines the kids up and pats them down for cell phones,” the source says, adding:

“She has these insane practices and rules to ensure she has total control of everything her kids do.”

As In Touch points out, Kate has a long history of resorting to drastic measures to prevent Jon from having any sort of relationship with his eight children:

In the past, she’s accused Jon of being a drug dealer, and even suggested that he carried on an inappropriate relationship with daughter Hannah.

“Jon had no idea at the time that she accused him of having an inappropriate relationship with Hannah,” says one insider.

“He was upset when he found out.”

Jon’s been fighting for joint custody of the kids for years, but insiders say he’s really ramped up his efforts in recent months.

Like any good despot Kate hes been running a non-stop propaganda campaign, tearing Jon apart in interviews and trying unsuccessfully to create the impression that he’s the unstable one in the relationship.

Don’t get us wrong: Jon won’t be winning any father of the year awards any time soon.

But when it comes to horrendous parenting, no one can top Kate.
